Home Business NewsBusinessAutomotive News Pothole damage hits a record high of £579 million

Pothole damage hits a record high of £579 million

by LLB staff reporter
15th Jan 25 9:27 am

According to new figures the total cost of repairing vehicles damaged potholes has hit a record high of £579 million last year.

The most common problems caused was broken suspension springs, distorted wheels and damaged shock absorbers.

The AA said the total cost to fix vehicles had hit £579 million compared to £474 million the previous year.

AA president Edmund King said: “There is some light at the end of the pothole tunnel.

“The Government has listened to the Pothole Partnership and is beginning to instigate policies that should lead to longer term fixes rather than the recent patchwork approach.

“The good news is that pothole related car incidents have declined but the bad news is that the cost of repairs has increased.

“Potholes are still the number one issue for drivers and more needs to be done to build on this improvement.”

RAC spokeswoman Alice Simpson said: “In the aftermath of this month’s blast of snow and ice, we may see the unwelcome trend continue in 2025.

“To prevent water-damaged roads in future, we urge local highways authorities to resurface those in the worst condition and surface dress (a preservation treatment) other roads to stop them deteriorating further.

“Hopefully the Government funding announced before Christmas will go some way towards literally filling in the cracks.”

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