Home Insights & Advice Creating a zero waste garden

Creating a zero waste garden

by Sarah Dunsby
29th May 24 3:29 pm

A green backyard creates a peaceful corner in your home where you can relax and enjoy nature’s miracles. However, at the larger end, you may get overwhelmed by the impacts of your home garden on your wallet and top, environment. At such point, the idea of establishing a low-maintenance and zero-waste garden may pop up in your mind.

Many people turn to the internet to find ideas for a zero-waste garden but lose their willpower to extraordinary, ideal ideas that are difficult to employ. If you are one of those who have failed in their research, we have got your back. Let’s check out eco-friendly garden design ideas for a sustainable backyard.

Tips for nurturing a zero-waste garden

A 100% zero-waste garden is hard to achieve or if we say accurately, impossible. However, the small steps to reduce garden waste to almost zero are achievable, and worth a try. Here are our top tips to easily incorporate into your gardening journey.

1. Consume the whole plant

When we harvest fruits or vegetable plants from the garden, we only consume a little edible part of that plant, and the rest of it becomes a part of kitchen trash. However, if we search, we will get to know that almost every plant has more than one edible part.

For example, the leaves from carrot and pepper plants are also edible. The list goes on with the things that you might even think that they are worth any use. Some inedible plant parts can also be turned into cleansers or fertilizers with a little processing saving you a lot. Hence, do your research and find ways to consume the maximum part of your plant.

2. Compost the garden waste

Even if you try hard, garden waste creation is not in your hands. Falling leaves, twigs, weed cuts, etc are still going to be there. Such wastes are collected from time to time and you have to do something to control their piling.  There is a way to utilize the garden waste too which is composting.

Composting is the best way of mixing soil with garden waste and eave it in a closed compost tank for a couple of weeks. Leave the rest to bacteria and in the end, you will get the nutrient-rich soil to substitute chemical fertilizers in your garden. This method not only reduces waste production but also saves the environment from the poisonous gases produced in landfills containing tons of garden and kitchen waste.

3. Reuse where possible

The old plastic pots in which you get your new plant, garden labeling sticks, etc are usually thrown away into the garbage. Such items can be wisely reused if stored properly only at the expense of some creativity. There are a lot of creative ideas to utilize.

For instance, you can also use old containers, glass jars, or other trashable items in your store room as potting utensils for your home garden or large buckets ass your compost bins. Hence, reusing is the best way of preventing such items from ending up in trash cans.

4. Sell or donate

You may get the idea of upgrading your ordinary garden by setting up new furniture, animal habitats, or a patio. Where thus upgrading demands new items to be added to your backyard, and it also creates an urge to get rid of the old items that are lying uselessly in your home garden.

Many people don’t want to stress about them so their last resort is to throw them away. However, if you are the one aiming to create a zero-waste garden, think of the other options rather than filling your trash cans. Try to reuse such items as much as you can, and if not, your last resort should be selling or donating items because someone else may be interested in getting some useful output of your least interested stuff

5. Collaborate with planter community

Zero-waste gardening can be accomplished by collaborating with the planters in your community. By joining such groups, you can raise awareness about the functional ideas for creating a sustainable garden producing minimum garden trash. Moreover, in such communities, you can also exchange your extra plants or seeds with their extra seeds or plants.

Hence, you save yourself from wasting extras and get something you wanted for your garden. Moreover, your old plant pots or garden equipment can also find a new home. Share your gardening tips and learn from their valuable experience. Gardening talks can be fun too.

Final words

In the end, we can say that creating a zero-waste garden is a functional idea. The best way to reduce the garden waste is to reuse the garden items as much as you can. If you can’t find a usage of any item, it is better to hire services by waste management providers like go rubbish go to handle it for you.

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