New research from the CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development, highlights that many FTSE 100 firms are failing to share important workforce data in their annual reports. In response, the CIPD is calling for improved reporting and transparency from Britain’s biggest businesses, warning that failure to capture and disclose key workforce data is keeping investors, employees and other parties in the dark on key business indicators.
The CIPD’s research looks at how workforce reporting has changed over the last five years and explores how transparent organisations are being about risks and opportunities relating to the workforce. The report, Hidden Figures: How workforce data is missing from corporate reports, found:
- The big picture: Workforce reporting in FTSE 100 organisations’ annual reports increased by 9% between 2015 and 2017, a much smaller increase compared to the 19% increase seen between 2013 and 2016 when the CIPD first analysed FTSE 100 workforce reporting.
- Regularly reported: The most commonly reported workforce issues were talent management, succession planning and employee turnover.
- Skills reporting in short supply: Only 12% of FTSE 100 firms reported their perspectives on skills shortages and only 21% reported on skills gaps, despite many businesses expressing concern about access to skills after the UK leaves the European Union in 2019.
- Going up… Apprenticeships (64% more reporting), employee well-being (+76%), entrepreneurship (+28%), talent management (+26%) all saw increased levels of reporting between 2015 and 2017.
- Going Down… Internships (32% less reporting), commitment (-31%), flexibility (-30%) and employee engagement (-21%) all saw decreased levels of reporting between 2015 and 2017.
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