Home Business News The man I fought ‘tooth & nail’ over Brexit is the best candidate for Business

The man I fought ‘tooth & nail’ over Brexit is the best candidate for Business

26th Jun 24 7:58 am

The man I fought ‘tooth & nail’ over Brexit is the best candidate for Business, that’s why I’ve joined & donated to Reform UK.

I’ve always felt I was a Tory at heart. I suppose that’s because from the beginnings of family and business life the Conservative Party was there for me. It seemed to stand for the same things I did, want the same things I did, and in Mrs Thatcher I saw someone who wanted me to succeed.

No love for Labour

It’s also true that I’ve never had any love for the Labour party and what they stand for. I guess politicians that say they are for the workers, but spend their time chumming it up to trade unions hell-bent on calling strikes, and making their members’ lives miserable, aren’t my cup of tea.

And if workers get a raw deal from Labour, it’s worse if you happen to be a boss, since most modern Labour politicians have no clue on how to run a business, except into the ground.

Tories not speaking to me!

The problem I found myself faced with of late however, is that for a long time I haven’t felt the Conservatives were speaking to me, nor were their policies and, more importantly, their actions aligned with my views and needs as a businessman and entrepreneur, and in my opinion what the country needs.

Too much political infighting, which seemed mainly about getting ahead with their own careers, rather than taking actions that were in any way designed to be beneficial to voters. I felt my vote was taken for granted.

Growing dissatisfaction

I know I’m not alone in this; and it seems to me there has been a growing dissatisfaction with all types of politicians going back to the 1990s, but which has accelerated considerably over the last few years. People I know who have voted for all of the main parties over the years are telling me they feel the same, that they don’t feel there is anyone pulling for their corner in The House of Commons.

Then back popped Nigel to frontline politics at the helm of Reform UK, and for millions I feel the lights came back on. I know so many people who were refusing to vote for anyone rather than put a cross in a box of some career politician who gives not a damn about them, their families and their businesses.

Making plans for Nigel

And that’s why I have signed up as a member of a political party for the first time in my life. I have also become a donor to Reform UK, which is also a first for me.

Yes I was officially a Tory donor, but it was always in the form of supporting fund raising events, buying tables at party events, and bidding for the odd prize or five. For the first time I have written a cheque to go straight into Reform UK coffers, and I don’t think it’ll be the last one either.

Everybody who has been paying attention these past 10 years knows I am far from agreeing with Nigel on all things, but what we need now from a leader is honesty and one that believes in his policies, and not just as words with which to get elected.

Policies that make real sense

And one more thing; with Nigel you get policies that are aimed at making voters’ lives better, not the type of thing that’s designed to fit woke local and international agendas that do harm to British people and the economy that links us all together as a nation. The kind of common sense ‘no surrender’ policies like cracking down on the seeping into public life of various woke ideas championed by vocal and well organised minorities.

Everyone knows Reform UK are in favour of a freeze on non-essential immigration, which in the current climate seems a common-sense idea, especially when you consider that such a manifesto pledge allows for those workers we need for our economy to help us out while we go about up-skilling our own young people.

Promises to put stamp duty on homes back to a level that reflects current UK house prices is a complete no-brainer, as is upping the VAT threshold for small businesses to £150k, and take those with profits of under £100k per year out of corporation tax. Yes we need to look after our environment, but we do not need a net-zero by 2050 albatross hanging around our necks.

Legitimate opposition

On his return Nigel was honest in saying that he didn’t expect to have the keys to Number 10 come July 5, but his aim was to become the legitimate opposition to what can only be a calamitous Labour administration under Keir Starmer.

It’s this kind of honesty, and sane and well thought out policies, that makes people like me believe that when Nigel Farage says he will add £17 billion to the NHS budget, and sort out social care, that he is planning to make things better, not cook the books.

Best man for the job!

So yes, you can make a case for Nigel Farage to be our next PM, or as he says, our next but one, based on sound business and family oriented policies. Or you can make things simpler like I have, take a look at the calibre of the candidates and pick the strongest runner. And for me it’s no contest. The man I fought tooth and nail over Brexit is by far the best candidate in the coming election.

Tories are finished

I think the Tories are finished, and Reform UK are the natural successors, and the new party of hard working Brits who are prepared to put in the graft to get ahead, and would very much like a government that believes in them and gives them the tools to get the job done.

That’s why they’re getting my vote, and why I’ve already written a cheque.

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