Home Insights & Advice How to work with best of breed in the SEO game

How to work with best of breed in the SEO game

by Sponsored Content
21st May 19 11:16 am

Because SEO is something of a dark art, an ever-changing art that is based on constantly changing and highly guarded algorithms, it is not a field that is easy to navigate by yourself. Sure, you can read up about it on Wikipedia or even try to do some online courses, but the reality is that unless you are fully immersed in it you are going to struggle. So, the best way to get the search engine optimisation for your website world class is to partner with experts. But where exactly do you find these experts? Here are a few tips to help you sort the class from the ass.

Look at the results

If you are looking for a company that believes in the power of digital marketing and which purports to be a leader in the SEO space, then logically the best place to look would be on the internet. And more specifically the best place on the internet to look would be on a search engine. If they cannot get themselves top of the search results on Google, then there is no change that they are ever going to do any better for you. So, type a phrase like ‘best SEO company Melbourne’ into the search bar and see what results are returned. You might want to talk to the top two companies that are listed, but unless there is a very good reason not to go with the outfit that tops the list, you pretty much have your answer after a two-minute test.

Measurability is a thing

The internet is a place that thrives on metrics. Everything is measured. From audience size to growth to return on investment, revenue, churn… the list is long. The point is that in scouting for a company to be your SEO partner you should use the numbers and the empirical evidence to help inform your decision. Ask for evidence and case studies that show how they ran campaigns. Essentially a before and after look, at other websites they have partnered with. If you are expecting to see results it will be handy to know what to expect before you commit to their retainer.

Face-to-face interactions

Have some sit-down conversations with the potential partners and the people they have worked with. Digital means that it is possible to work with anyone anywhere in the world, but there is a lot to be said for local understanding and for relationships. Build these relationships and get to know the people that you are working with – the results will almost definitely be better. And, while you might find a company of SEO specialists who can do you a great deal at a great price from India or China, beware that they might lack both the language skills and the nuanced understanding of the environment you are operating it. Plus, it goes without saying that if you want to celebrate success or express frustrations, it is much easier done face-to-face.

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