Home Business News Britons prefer Biden to Trump in US race

Britons prefer Biden to Trump in US race

by LLB Editor
10th Aug 20 6:51 am

 Three-quarters (76%) of the British public feel unfavourable towards US President Donald Trump while 12% are favourable, according to the latest Ipsos MORI Political Monitor. Mr Trump’s low favourability scores are slightly worse compared with two years ago when 68% were unfavourable and 19% favourable, but are slightly better than his ratings in 2016. Britons however have less strong feelings towards former Vice President and Democratic challenger, Joe Biden. A third (35%) are favourable to Mr Biden and just 15% unfavourable – 33% are neutral while 18% are yet to make up their mind.  In October 2016 46% felt favourable towards Hillary Clinton and 36% unfavourable.

Despite the lukewarm reception for Joe Biden amongst the British public seven in ten (69%) would prefer him to win the election over Donald Trump (12%). A majority of both Conservative and Labour supporters prefer Joe Biden although Labour supporters are much more enthusiastic for the former Vice President to beat Mr Trump (89% of Labour supporters vs. 54% of Conservatives). One in five (22%) Conservatives prefer Donald Trump vs. just 4% of Labour supporters.

Even though most prefer Joe Biden to win the presidency Britons are more divided on whether he actually will be victorious. Two in five (42%) think Joe Biden will win compared with 38% who think Trump will be re-elected. Conservatives are also split (42% think Trump will win vs. 38% saying Biden) while Labour supporters have a stronger feeling that Joe Biden will win (49% vs. 37% saying Trump).

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