Home Business Insights & Advice Various factors you must consider when refurbishing your office space

Various factors you must consider when refurbishing your office space

by Sarah Dunsby
18th Sep 23 3:53 pm

Even with the correct cleaning and maintenance, your office space can look tired and drab, which can profoundly affect your employees. Studies have shown that the work environment significantly affects the performance of employees, so you want to provide your workers with a suitable space where they can perform their tasks diligently. Refurbishing your office space rather than moving takes a lot of thought and detailed planning, and there are many factors you must consider that can ensure you do an excellent job.

By balancing a budget and schedules, you can create the ideal workspace for your business, reduce the disruption as much as possible and ensure the productivity of your workforce. Below, you can see some of the various factors to consider for your office refurbishment that can significantly affect the look and feel of your workspace and the productivity of your employees.

The office floor

The floor of your office is an excellent place to start, and it is worth considering a raised access floor. Raised access floors allow you to place your power outlets, data cables, and workstations anywhere and ensure no unsightly cables or wires are on show. However, if you will not be having raised floors in your office space, you must choose the material carefully, and there are plenty of options available, including:

  • Carpets
  • Hardwood Flooring
  • Laminate Flooring
  • Cork Flooring
  • Vinyl Flooring
  • Ceramic Tile Flooring
  • Rubber Flooring

You want to select a flooring material that looks fantastic, is durable, and is a practical option that is easy to maintain. The best choice will depend on how you use your office space, and ensuring you invest in a quality material will help prevent you from having to replace it anytime soon. Consider exploring options at a reputable wood flooring warehouse, where a wide selection of high-quality materials can provide both durability and aesthetic appeal for your office space.

The office ceiling

The ceiling also requires consideration when refurbishing your office space, and often, it is best to install a dropped ceiling. A dropped ceiling allows you to have additional acoustic and thermal insulation in the space you create, and you can also use it to run cables and wires and keep them out of sight. A dropped ceiling can help insulate your office and reduce echo, which is ideal for busy and noisy offices. You can also select acoustic tiles for the ceiling, offering a further reduction in noise helping to create a comfortable work environment for your employees.


When your office is in an older building, they often lack adequate insulation, making them feel cold and draughty during winter. One way to combat this is by adding an extra layer of insulation, which you can add to the floor, ceiling, and walls of your office space. When getting your drylining supplies, before installing, you can add insulation to the walls of your office and then seal it in behind the plasterboard. Ensure the windows in your office are double-glazed, which will also help you maintain a comfortable temperature throughout the year.

Office lighting

The lighting in your office is another vital aspect to consider, and you want to floor your workplace with as much natural light as possible. Ensure the frames of your windows are small and the panes are as big as possible to help maximise the natural light. You can also use glass partitions to divide your office rather than walls, allowing the light to flood your entire office. You will also need electric lighting in your office, and rather than go for the traditional fluorescent strip lighting, choose energy-efficient LED lighting that you can adjust using your phone or computer. Have as much natural light as possible and soft, vibrant artificial light, which can significantly benefit your employees and business.

The office colour scheme

Another area of your office refurbishment requiring significant consideration is your chosen colour scheme. The psychology of colour in the workplace can impact your employees and help boost productivity, communication, and problem-solving. You want to embrace your corporate colours and match them with a tasteful selection of colours that can help inspire your employees and boost their creativity and mood. Use contrasting colours, and do not be afraid to let your imagination run free; you can always paint over it if your ideas do not work.

New office furniture

If you are going to the expense of refurbishing your office, it is also an excellent time to update your office furniture. Invest in high-quality desks and chairs for your employees, which can help eliminate strains and sore muscles, increase productivity, and reduce absenteeism. Ensure they are ergonomic and offer the correct support, and also ensure you receive a suitable warranty with the furniture. It is also worth consulting your employees to see what type of furniture they prefer, as some may like standing desks to traditional sitting ones, so you can ensure you have the correct balance to meet the requirements. Trying to save money on your office furniture often backfires and costs more in the long run when it breaks after only moderate use, meaning you have to replace it more frequently.

Bring some greenery into the office

It is also an excellent idea to include plenty of plants and flowers in your office refurbishment, which can do wonders for the mental well-being of your employees. Plants help to reduce carbon dioxide and ensure plenty of oxygen, and they have a calming and soothing effect on employees, allowing them to focus. Having lots of nature in your office can help soften the environment and make it seem more welcoming, and you can also encourage employees to bring in plants for their desks. If you are worried about them dying, companies can supply and care for the plants, so they always look fantastic, and you do not have to worry about killing them.

These are some areas of your office refurbishment to focus on when in the planning stage that can help you create the perfect workplace for your employees. Speak with an expert office planning company; they can help you design and build the ideal office you and your employees will love.

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