Home Business NewsBusinessAviation News US missile ‘shot down’ plane carrying Ukrainian POWs, claims Putin

US missile ‘shot down’ plane carrying Ukrainian POWs, claims Putin

by LLB political Reporter
31st Jan 24 4:09 pm

Vladimir Putin has made a televised address and has claimed that an “American Patriot system” shot down a plane carrying Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) inside Russia.

On 24 January a Russian plane carrying 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war crashed then exploded killing all on board close to the city of Belgorod.

A video shows the plane exploding into a fireball and crashes to the ground and initial reports has suggested that the Russian II-76 aircraft could have been shot down.

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The Russian government has said that in total there was 74 people onboard with 65 Ukrainian prisoners.

Putin said on Wednesday, “The plane was shot down, it has already been established for certain, by an American Patriot system. This has already been established by forensics.”

Ukrainian officials have called for an international investigation and have not confirmed if their forces did shoot down the plane.

The regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov wrote on Telegram, “A transport plane crashed in the Korochansky district. It fell in a field near the village. All those on board were killed.”

Retired general Andrei Kartapolov said that the plane was shot down by western missiles supplied to Ukraine.

“Today, the Ukrainian fascist criminal regime committed a bloody crime that defies any military logic,” he said in a statement.

He added, “The Ukrainian leadership was well aware of the impending exchange and was informed of how the prisoners will be delivered, but the Il-76 plane was shot down by three missiles of an anti-aircraft complex, either Patriot or German made Iris-T.”

The Russian Defence Ministry said in a statement, the plane was carrying 65 “captured Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel,” which was on a scheduled flight.

“They were being transported to the Belgorod region for exchange,” it added.

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