Home Business News The seven week itch: Constant togetherness in remote work takes its toll on over half of relationships

The seven week itch: Constant togetherness in remote work takes its toll on over half of relationships

by LLB Reporter
30th Aug 23 1:04 pm

Around one in 10 (11%) respondents say that their relationship with their partner has improved thanks to homeworking, and 28% noted that they have always enjoyed  – and still do enjoy – working from home together. But the picture isn’t as rosy for others.

For more than half (54%) of those surveyed, working from home has caused their romantic relationship to worsen. Almost a quarter (22%) say that being around each other all of the time has led to them having fewer conversations/having less to talk about, around one in seven (13%) say that they argue a lot more than they used to when at least one of them left the house to go to work, and 8% felt the novelty wear off quickly.

For 6% of respondents, working from home was seen as playing a significant role behind them breaking up with their partner.

Almost all (95%) of those who felt a strain said that they began to notice relationship issues within the first 12 months of working from home. For seven in ten (68%) cracks started to show in under six months and, alarmingly, a quarter (27%) experienced romantic problems almost immediately, within the first month of working at home with their partner.

Claire Tucker, founder of HomeWork Workspace, said, “Our survey suggests that absence really does make the heart grow fonder, with working from home being responsible for turning the seven year itch into the seven week itch.

“Our research reveals the complexities of balancing work and personal life under the same roof. While some have thrived, a significant number have felt the strain. It’s a reminder that occasional physical separation can sometimes bring emotional closeness.”

The survey also highlighted the benefits of working away from home, even if sporadically. Over a third (36%) of respondents said that working apart, even for just a day or two a week, has been beneficial for their relationship.

Claire added, “We’ve always believed in the power of flexibility when it comes to work and home life. Offering individuals the chance to change their environment, take a breather, and return home with fresh energy and perspective is good for productivity and overall well-being.”

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