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Home Business Insights & Advice The biggest challenges facing UK first-time home buyers right now

The biggest challenges facing UK first-time home buyers right now

by Sarah Dunsby
3rd Nov 23 8:44 am

From saving for rising deposits to securing mortgages amid rate hikes, today’s market conditions create major hurdles for prospective first-time buyers trying to get onto the property ladder. By knowing the key obstacles in place, new buyers can tailor strategies to tackle current realities. Here are the top challenges first-timers face:

Skyrocketing property prices

UK property values have climbed consistently in recent decades. Starter homes are increasingly unaffordable without substantial incomes or parental support. High prices extend mortgage terms and constrain buying power for those entering the market.

Lack of small starter homes

In areas outside London and the Southeast, new builds concentrate on higher value family-sized homes rather than modest and affordable one or two-bedroom flats suitable for first singles and couples buying. Without enough entry-level properties, new buyers face inflated prices and competition squeezing them out.

High rents prevent saving for deposits

High rents force tenants to allocate the majority of take-home pay to housing costs, leaving little capacity to build savings needed for deposit funds to buy. Too many people face a demoralising uphill battle amassing sufficient deposits today. High rents gatekeep property milestones.

Finding a mortgage that works for them

Getting approved for suitable mortgages poses challenges today. Lenders favour higher earners with bigger deposits. Low income-to-debt ratios, job changes and credit issues bring rejections or higher interest rates. First-timers endure stress proving affordability despite obstacles. It can be tough to find a fixed-term contract mortgage, for example. If you need fixed-term contract mortgage advice, find a mortgage broker who specialises in helping first-time buyers. It’s hard enough to get through this journey, so make the most of a good broker’s expertise.

Affording rising interest payments

As the Bank of England raises interest rates to combat inflation, mortgage payments inflated by climbing variable rates stretch buyers budgeting on maximum affordability. Even fixed rates are repricing higher at renewal. Buying power shrinks as more pay goes to interest, not principal.

Fierce competition among buyers

In markets undersupplied with homes meeting demand, first-timers face fierce competition from cashed-up buyers with experience navigating fast-moving sales. Loss-making bidding wars result, with properties selling significantly over asking prices within days of listing. First-timers often lose to those trading up.

Lack of affordable housing schemes

Critics argue government housing schemes like Help to Buy that assisted past first buyers push up prices rather than improve affordability. With eligibility limits, critics call for reforms and new policies that deliver achievable home ownership to broader groups through innovative assistance easing barriers.

Saving whilst renting in expensive areas

In high-cost areas, those saving diligently for deposits see funds constantly depleted by steep living costs and rents. Relocating involves abandoning jobs, networks, and families. Solutions easing saving without displacement or commuting hours require creative thinking.

Difficulty rapidly increasing earnings

Graduates face protracted, competitive job searches postponing milestone steps like home purchases. Lower-paid roles rarely allow significant savings. Younger workers lack leverage rapidly elevating incomes enabling home purchases, despite ambition and qualifications.

Uncertainty in turbulent times

Buyers crave the security homeownership provides but hesitate to commit significant mortgage debts amid recession warnings and pandemic aftershocks. Though house prices remain high, fears around employment and affordability impacts from further economic shocks breed reluctance.

While each first-time buyer’s journey faces unique hurdles, understanding systematic challenges empowers proactive preparation tailored to contemporary conditions. Setting realistic expectations and timeframes provides the perseverance needed to attain the dream despite tough headwinds. Goal achievement brings immense pride amid adversity. Savvy first-timers can still succeed today.

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