Home Business Insights & Advice Global tech enterprises push for stronger cybersecurity strategies in 2021

Global tech enterprises push for stronger cybersecurity strategies in 2021

by Sponsored Content
22nd Jan 21 2:53 pm

Global tech enterprises are pushing for stronger cybersecurity strategies in 2021. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, cyberattacks around the world have been increasing. As UK businesses work remotely, hackers have more opportunities to breach confidential data. For example, hackers recently threatened to publicize client data for one major company in the UK. As a tech company manager, you need to know the best cybersecurity tactics to ensure data safety. This way, you can prevent ransomware attacks and secure your client information. Of course, investing in cybersecurity is crucial to protect your application information as well. Read on to learn about the most important cybersecurity strategies global tech enterprises are pushing for in 2021.

Implement a reputable firewall

First and foremost, tech companies also recommend implementing a reputable firewall to improve your cybersecurity tactics. Secure firewalls can protect your trusted network from unauthorized access and external threats. Typically, these network security systems use a predefined set of rules to restrict access to your sensitive applications. For example, firewalls usually inspect data and access requests. Depending on the analysis results, they then decide whether the request should be permitted or blocked. Often, these firewall rules are configured directly into the firewall. Of course, you can usually customize them based on your security preferences as well. Definitely, implement a reputable firewall to strengthen your 2021 cybersecurity strategy.

Utilise cloud infrastructure

Next, leading global tech companies are pushing businesses to utilize cloud infrastructure to amplify cybersecurity. By migrating to the cloud, you can access quality security solutions for your business. For example, many cloud infrastructure resources offer measures to protect your data from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Notably, DDoS attacks are rising as computer system requests increase. To reduce attempted breaches, cloud computing infrastructure aims to stop bulk traffic that targets your cloud servers. This way, you can prevent your client websites from crashing when the number of requests exceeds your handling limit. Certainly, there are several cybersecurity advantages of cloud computing for companies.

Use code quality scanning tools

In addition, you can use code quality scanning tools to write cleaner, more secure programs. Many of these tools utilize static application security testing to detect code issues. For example, Sonarqube is an open-source code quality scanning tool you can use to obtain security feedback. Once you have run your application test, this tool highlights vulnerable code snippets. Often, it explains why your code is at risk and provides comprehensive recommendations to secure your application as well. Moreover, you can install a Sonarqube Helm chart on a Kubernetes cluster. Once deployed, you can adjust installation configurations for the chart based on your application needs. Surely, code quality scanning tools are great resources to secure your application data in 2021.

Perform data backups

Moreover, global tech enterprises are also pushing to perform data backups as well. Consider using the 3-2-1 tactic to backup your data. Typically, this strategy entails two local copies of your data on different mediums. Additionally, you store one copy of your data offsite. For example, you can use a cloud storage system to backup your files offsite. Reliable cloud service providers usually use encryption software to keep your backups protected from malware and other data breaches. Plus, these systems provide easy access for your team members. Absolutely, performing routine data backups is an excellent way to combat business cyber security threats to your company.

Regularly install software updates

Furthermore, tech companies are also pushing for regular software update installations. Naturally, software developers are constantly looking for new threats in their deployments. When companies find a vulnerability, they typically release a software update to guard against it. Therefore, one of the best ways to secure your data is to install your system updates as recommended. This is the only way to gain access to the patch and increase security for your software. Whether you are using a cloud storage system, collaboration suite, or development platform, software upgrades are essential to protect them from cyberattacks. Regularly install your software updates and upgrades to protect your company’s sensitive information.

Global tech enterprises are pushing for stronger cybersecurity strategies in 2021. First, utilize cloud infrastructure to protect your data from attacks. Next, implement a reputable firewall. In addition, you can use code quality scanning tools to identify vulnerabilities in your programs. Moreover, regularly install software updates to get the latest security patches for your tech stack. Furthermore, perform data backups regularly secure your files. Global tech enterprises are pushing for these stronger cybersecurity strategies in 2021.

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