Home Business NewsBusinessAviation News ‘Flights are going to Rwanda’ and the airfields are ready

‘Flights are going to Rwanda’ and the airfields are ready

22nd Apr 24 2:37 pm

The Prime Minister has said that there will be a “regular rhythm” of  “multiple flights a month” that will head for Rwanda.

Rishi Sunak has said that “flights are going to Rwanda” and airfields are on standby, he told reports that there will be “”no more prevarication, no more delay,” as “enough is enough.”

In “10 to 12 weeks” time the first deportation flights to Rwanda will commence and MPs are preparing to vote on the legislation.

The Prime Minister said government teams have been “working flat out” to delivers a “genuine game changer” to stop the boats.

Sunak insisted on Monday that there will be “no ifs, no buts, these flights are going to Rwanda,” to rid the UK of the asylum seekers.

The Prime Minister vowed that “Parliament will sit there tonight and vote no matter how late it goes.

He said the Rwanda plan will see asylum seekers who arrive in the UK after crossing the English Channel and other irregular means will be flown to Kigali instead as an “indispensable deterrent.”

Sunak promised that there will be a “regular rhythm” of “multiple flights a month through the summer and beyond.”

Sky News political editor Beth Rigby asked Sunak if the Bill will be a “moment of success,” he replied, “Success is when the boats have been stopped. That’s what the country expects, that’s what the government and I are committed to delivering.”

The Prime Minister said that they have 500 “highly trained individuals ready to escort illegal migrants all the way to Rwanda, with 300 more trained in the coming week.”

Sunak added, “This is one of the most complex operational endeavours the Home Office has carried out.

“But we are ready, plans are in place and these flights will go, come what may.”

Ed Davey, the Liberal Democrat leader, said, “No amount of sound bites or spin can change the fact that the Conservative’s Rwanda scheme is a colossal failure.

Millions of pounds and years of government attention have already been wasted, with absolutely nothing to show for it.

It’s time for Rishi Sunak to get a grip, get to the palace and give this country the election it is crying out for.

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