Home Business News Expert warns Russia has ‘a lot of things in their favour’ as they have learned lessons from ‘disastrous’ phase one of the war

Expert warns Russia has ‘a lot of things in their favour’ as they have learned lessons from ‘disastrous’ phase one of the war

by LLB political Reporter
25th Apr 22 1:41 pm

Vladimir Putin “is in a hurry” to speed up his attacks in the Ukraine as he must show that “he has achieved something” to the Kremlin and Russians as “they are suffering from the sanctions.”

The Russian President is well aware that the sanctions imposed on his country could easily fuel civil unrest if he achieves nothing in his war against Ukraine.

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The BBC’s Security Correspondent Frank Gardner said Putin is “in a hurry to complete the war” and he will intensify the fighting and missile attacks.

Speaking at BBC Breakfast, Gardner said, “What we have seen so far in the Donbas is only preliminary attacks from the Russians.

“Some of which have been successful, some of which have been repulsed.

“But I think we are getting a much clear picture of what Russia’s intentions are in Ukraine.”

Gardner also explained, “They want to take the Donbas, no surprise there, but they also appear keen to link up further south and possibly put pressure on Odesa in the west so that they will control the whole southern area of Ukraine bordering with the Black Sea.

“This phase two, as some people are calling it, is very different from phase one which was frankly disastrous for the Russians.

“They attacked Ukraine from three fronts, they had no coordination, there was no person in charge.

“That’s all changed, as they appear to have learned some lessons.

“That does not mean that they are necessarily going to be successful in the Donbas, but [Russian troops] have a lot of things in their favour.”

Gardner added that the Russia troops, “are much closer to the Russian border so it is easier for them to resupply, harder for the Ukrainian forces to resupply themselves.

“So it is a very worrying times for the Ukrainians.”

Gardner continued, “There are three ways this war could go: Ukraine wins, Russia wins or nobody wins.

“Right now war of attrition looks like the most probable outcome, where the war drags on with no one side particularly getting the advantage.

“Not just because they have Victory Day coming up on May 9th, where they want to have Putin being able to show that he has achieved something but also because they are suffering from the sanctions.”

“They want it to be completed and say ‘look Ukraine is a done deal, deal with it’,” said the Security Correspondent.

“Ukrainians are also in a hurry as they want Russians out of their country”, he added.

Gardner concluded, “But it is also possible that this will go on for months, even years”

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