Home Business Insights & Advice Why a London virtual office could be your smartest small business decision

Why a London virtual office could be your smartest small business decision

by Sponsored Content
18th Oct 21 2:22 pm

Lots of workers in London have been enjoying the flexibility of working from home, especially when the weather is so pleasant. They have been getting used to the comforts of home working with the advantages of childcare and regular gym visits.  Now the Government, along with their corporate employers are blowing the whistle on the ‘easy life’

Being ordered back to the office has come as a brutal shock to executives who have been enjoying all the comforts and benefits of working from home whilst drawing regular employee salaries.

Many of these work from home staff are now considering whether it is the moment to take the plunge into working from home permanently on a freelance or small business basis.

Not all jobs transform easily into the freelance/small business model but many skills such as accountancy, event organising or social media management can easily form the basis of your future independent business empire.

Working from home on a permanent basis is seen by many entrepreneurs as a springboard into building a small company or developing a side hustle into something more serious.  There are some obvious drawbacks to consider before you tell your boss that you won’t be returning to the office any time soon.

The obvious, No1 difference is that you stop receiving your regular salary, so it is best to have put aside some cash to tide you through your transition period until the new income streams come online.

The second big difference is that you will be giving up all the built-in support services of working for a corporation.  Things you take for granted like having a secretary to take your phone messages and a professional meeting room to discuss important client business or meet with suppliers.

Also, do you really want your business mail turning up at your family home?  A smart entrepreneur always keeps his business and private life separate.

So how can you replace these corporate benefits whilst still working from your office at home?  Many entrepreneurs and freelancers have discovered the benefits of a London Virtual Office which acts as support structure for your embryonic business and gives it an air of solidity and success especially when it comes with a prestigious London address.

In fact, using a virtual office is an ideal solution for many small business owners who are working from home but need to feel that they have a corporate-style structure, supporting their business efforts. By removing the cost of office rental from the outgoings of a new venture many stresses related to cash flow are avoided and the entrepreneur can focus on developing their business without continually looking over their shoulder at the mounting costs associated with the London business scene.

One of the leading virtual office suppliers – Hold Everything – who are based on London’s Regent St have seen a huge rise in enquiries from start-ups looking for a prestigious London base without a large initial rental outlay.

Virtual offices such as Hold Everything, offer very comprehensive packages that allow a small business owner to tap into the most important support functions such as phone answering, mail forwarding, meeting rooms and courier services.

As an added bonus, virtual office staff are usually a source of helpful contacts for a wide variety of business services due to the nature of other clients who utilise their services including company formation and corporate legal matters.

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