Home Business News Watch: Waitress asks police to delay terror evacuation in Streatham

Watch: Waitress asks police to delay terror evacuation in Streatham

by LLB Reporter
3rd Feb 20 11:32 am

Moments after a convicted terrorist, who went on a terror rampage with a knife in Streatham was shot dead, an armed police officer entered the diner where people were eating lunch and ordered everyone to evacuate immediately.

The officer said, “Sorry guys, you’re going to have to close, we have got to evacuate, I’m afraid. Everyone’s going to have to go, I’m afraid.

“There’s been a terrorist incident down there. We are closing everything down.

“You guys want to stay safe you will listen to me.”

Foolishly, a waitress asked the officer, “Just give us half an hour, people are just starting to eat.”

He responded with, “Madam, a terrorist has been shot dead just down there.

“They’ve got a possible IED vest on them, which is a bomb. If you want to stay open for half-an-hour and you want to put people’s lives in danger, be my guest.

“Please listen to me and please make your way out of the shop, turning that way and making your way out of the area.”

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