Home Business News Terror attack in France kills two after knife man shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’

Terror attack in France kills two after knife man shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’

by LLB Reporter
4th Apr 20 12:35 pm

Two people have been killed in France with seven injured and three of those are in a critical condition in hospital after a man went on a rampage with a knife.

A large amount of armed police arrested the suspect and firefighters and ambulances attended the scene. The attack happened on Saturday morning in Romans-sur-Isere, in Southern France, according to Le Dauphine news website.

The knife man shouted “Allahu Akbar” before stabbing people who were queuing to go into a bakery.

Just after 12:30, local time the Mayor of Romans-sur-Isère said the man of the attack had entered several shops during the rampage.

French counter terrorism police are investigating the attack and a Sudanese man, aged 33, who lives in the district has been arrested.

Le Dauphine said that the National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutors Office (PNAT) are evaluating the attack with Valencia Prosecutors Office.

The suspects roommate has also been arrested and they both lived at an apartment in rue Jacquemart, in the centre of the city, French police said.

The French Interior Minister, Christophe Castaner said, “All my thoughts go out to the victims of the in Romans-sur-Isere attack and their loved ones.

“The alleged perpetrator was arrested by the Police Nationale.”

France has been under a strict lockdown for three weeks, people are only allowed out of their homes to attend the supermarket or other essential shops, or to see the doctor.

France has had over 83,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus and more than 6,500 deaths in just over a month.

Bodyguards have been hired by a Paris hospital after healthcare workers have been violently attacked and mugged.

There has been a spike in attacks on healthcare workers during the coronavirus outbreak and workers are being shadowed by bodyguards to their cars and train stations after work.

Hospital workers at the Lariboisière Hospital in the 10th arrondissement of Paris need protection in the evenings once they have finished their shifts.

A picture taken shows a bodyguard holding a sign which says: “Accompanied departure for Lariboisiere.”

A hospital nurse told local media, “It’s true that we are often approached for money and things like that.

“We don’t feel safe.”

French police have fined more than 350,000 people across the country as people are defying Emmanuel Macron’s order to lockdown the country.

French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner on Wednesday said over 350,000 people had been fined for flouting the government’s tough lockdown since the order took effect on 17 March.

The minister added that 5.8m police checks had been carried out.

French police are threatening to stop enforcing the country’s lockdown after furious police unions said there is a lack of protective clothing.

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