Home Business NewsBusiness Seven in 10 Brits see virus as the biggest issues facing Britain

Seven in 10 Brits see virus as the biggest issues facing Britain

by LLB Editor
13th Nov 20 11:15 am

The October 2020 Ipsos MORI Issues Index shows public concern about Coronavirus remaining at a high level. Seventy-three per cent mention it as a major issue for Britain, down from 77 per cent in September. Fieldwork finished on 29 October, two days before the announcement of a second lockdown in England.

The proportion of the public who mention Brexit as a big issue has fallen to 45 per cent this month, from 51 per cent in September – however this remains almost twice the level of concern recorded in April this year (26%).

There has been a significant rise in the proportion who see poverty and inequality as a big issue for the country; 18% mention it as a concern, an increase of eight percentage points since September.

Concern about poverty and inequality has risen significantly this month, coinciding with the debate to extend provision of free school meals for low-income households over the half term school holidays. Some groups are particularly likely to mention this as a big issue:

  • Younger people are more concerned: 31 per cent of 18-34 year olds mention poverty/inequality as a big issue for Britain, making it their third-largest issue behind Covid-19 (62%) and Brexit (35%).
  • There is a significant political divide, with 27 per cent of Labour supporters seeing this as a major concern compared with nine per cent of Conservatives
  • Public sector workers are also more likely to see poverty/inequality as a worry; 26 per cent mention it compared with 18 per cent of those working in the private sector

Other concerns are at historically low scores this month – most notably crime. Just three per cent of the British public mentioned crime as a major issue for Britain in October. This is a new lowest level of concern on this topic in nearly 50 years, since the Issues Index began in September 1974.

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