Home Business News Russia carried out 81 ‘toxic chemical’ attacks in December

Russia carried out 81 ‘toxic chemical’ attacks in December

by LLB staff reporter
27th Dec 23 2:24 pm

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has said that Russian forces carried out 81 “toxic chemical” attacks in December and in total ammunition loaded with chemicals has happened 465 times since the war started.

The General Staff said that Russian forces  often use K-51, RGR grenades and the Drofa-PM hand gas grenade, which are dropped from UAVs.

The use of the improvised explosive devices equipped with irritating substances has also been recorded.

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The Russian Federation have also carried out artillery attacks containing chemically dangerous substances and on 14 December Russian forces used a new type of the special RG-VO gas grenades that contain an unknown chemical.

On Wednesday the General Staff said, “Some 465 facts of the use of ammunition by the Russian Federation, which are loaded with toxic chemicals, have been recorded.

“Of these, 81 cases occurred in December of this year alone. At the same time, the dynamics of application is growing.

“So, in just one day on December 19, Russia carried out eight attacks using chemicals.”

They added, “Twenty-eight cases of the use of dangerous chemicals were documented and sent for investigative actions within the framework of criminal proceedings by groups of radiation, chemical, biological intelligence from military units.”

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