Home Business NewsFinance News Over £1.9bn savings for the mutual funds market predicted following move to blockchain

Over £1.9bn savings for the mutual funds market predicted following move to blockchain

22nd Feb 18 11:32 am

According to new study

Research from Calastone, the global funds transaction network, forecasts more than £1.9bn worth of potential cost savings for the global mutual funds market as a result of moving to a blockchain-enabled distributed market infrastructure.

The forecast savings demonstrate the scale of financial impact that greater automation and interconnectivity could bring to the funds market. Calastone’s predictions further substantiate another study released by Forrester, one of the world’s leading research and advisory firms, which has analysed the financial impact Calastone’s current transaction network has already had on the global funds market. Forrester’s research reveals that transaction automation through Calastone has delivered £458 million in savings over the previous six years.

Forrester research shows significant cost savings today at a global, market level

Forrester conducted a global market survey of 234 mutual funds organisations to determine the tangible value and financial impact Calastone’s transaction network has had on the global funds market in moving the manual process of funds trading to an automated network infrastructure. The results of the research have shown that, in addressing the friction and operational inefficiencies throughout the transaction cycle across all trading counterparties, Calastone has generated significant net benefits for the market.

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