Home Business NewsPolitics News Nigel Farage 'probably would' run for Parliament again

Nigel Farage 'probably would' run for Parliament again

13th Mar 17 7:59 am

UKIP leader strikes back

Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage could contest elections in the Kent constituency of South Thanet if a by-election was held, it has been revealed.

The Brexit backer, who stood in the constituency in the 2015 general election but wa defeated by the Tories, has said he “probably would” stand again.

The news comes as claims have emerged that Ukip’s only MP Douglas Carswell, who defected to the party from the Conservatives, passed details about local voters to the Tories to help them defeat Farage. Carwell has denied these allegations.

The Daily Mail has reported that Farage’s election strategist Chris Bruni-Lowe has sent a dossier to police which has details of computer logs accessed by Carswell.

Farage told BBC One’s Sunday Politics: “I don’t know anything about the dossier.

“I am actually quite dubious as to whether this dossier exists at all. I think perhaps the newspapers have got this wrong.

“Were there concerns about the downloading of data that took place from that constituency? Yes. But beyond that we don’t know anything.

“We have evidence that Mr Carswell downloaded information. We have no evidence of what he did with it.”

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