Home Business News Moscow will strike Gibraltar and other British overseas territory if UK weapons hit Russia

Moscow will strike Gibraltar and other British overseas territory if UK weapons hit Russia

by LLB political Reporter
29th May 24 4:45 pm

The Kremlin has issued a warning that the Falkland Islands and Gibraltar will be attacked if British weapons are used inside the Russian Federation by Ukrainian forces.

If one weapon strikes Russian territory then Moscow will “not hesitate” attack British overseas territories, warned the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

Zakharova told journalists that British bases will be in their cross hairs “both within Ukraine beyond its borders” if any UK weapons are used.

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This comes as the British Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron pledged to provide Ukraine with £3 billion a year and gave permission for Kyiv to launch missiles on Russia.

Cameron told Reuters, “Just as Russia is striking inside Ukraine, you can quite understand why Ukraine feels the need to make sure it’s defending itself.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Cameron’s statement “had de facto recognised his country as a part of the conflict,” adding that this is a “serious escalation” by the UK.

Vladimir Putin then ordered the Ministry of Defence to conduct testing of  nuclear weapons “in response to provocative statements and threats by individual Western officials against the Russian Federation.”

The Kremlin has said that this is dangerous and is “escalating tensions” between Moscow and NATO which is “unprecedented and requires special measures.”

Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, warned, “The chorus of irresponsible scoundrels among the Western political elite calling for troops to be sent to a non-existent country is growing.

“Now it includes representatives of the US Congress, French and British leadership, and individual madmen from the Baltic states and Poland.

“They also call for the active use of their missile weapons, which they supplied to the Banderaites, throughout Russia. And this is not a spring aggravation, but a cynical calculation for political dividends.

“There is some kind of total degradation of the ruling class in the West. This class really does not want to logically connect elementary things.

“Sending your troops to the territory of Ukraine will entail the direct entry of their countries into the war, to which we will have to respond. And, alas, not in the territory of Ukraine.

“In this case, none of them will be able to hide either on Capitol Hill, or in the Elysee Palace, or in 10 Downing Street.

“A world catastrophe will come.

“By the way, Kennedy and Khrushchev were able to understand this more than 60 years ago. But the current infantile morons who have seized power in the West do not want to understand.

“And that is why today the General Staff began preparations for the exercises, including activities for practical testing of the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons.”

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