Home Business NewsEconomic News Katie Price, aka Jordan, starts tweeting about QE, China's monetary policy and the eurozone debt crisis

Katie Price, aka Jordan, starts tweeting about QE, China's monetary policy and the eurozone debt crisis

22nd Jan 12 9:12 pm

Newsflash: Since writing this piece, we’ve discovered the truth behind Jordan’s anomolous toe-dip into fiscal policy… skip to the bottom of this story to find out what’s really going on…

Move over George Soros. Time to call it a day, Mervyn King. For there’s a new economic brain in town, and she’s got a lot to reveal – a full-frontal take on the global financial situation, in fact.

Glamour model Jordan, aka Katie Price, decided on Sunday it was time to share her titillating perspective on China’s GDP, quantitative easing and how to solve the Eurozone debt crisis.

Out of the blue, or rather the flowery pink background of her Twitter profile, @misskatieprice informed us that “Large scale quantitative easing in 2012 could distort liquidity of govt. bond market”, adding, in a lexicon akin to the current language of economic academia, “#justsayin”.

Jordan also bared all about her views on China’s growth, telling us it is “Great news about China’s latest GDP figures!!” and “Chinese leaders now likely to loosen monetary policy to stimulate growth. Yay!!”

Yay, indeed, Jordan. Yay!! indeed.

We can’t help but applaud the passion Ms Price has demonstrated in this wholly unprecedented foray into economic analysis. It is somewhat rare and (for this author at least) really rather invigorating to see the well-trodden argument that “Eurozone debt problems can only be properly solved by true fiscal union” rounded off with no less than three exclamation marks. And preceded by an “OMG!!”

After stunned Twitter followers of Ms Price expressed their surprise at this outburst, she had to confirm that: “I have not been hacked at all”.

And, yes, you may snicker at the lady in knickers.

But isn’t it also just a tiny bit great that someone so removed from the usual grey-haired, suit-and-tie-clad coterie of economic analysts is adding their voice to these debates?

And that she might actually provoke an interest in QE and China’s GDP among some of her not-so-economics-inclined Twitter followers?

Besides which, although Jordan doesn’t have a masters from LSE, she is a ludicrously savvy business woman with a personal fortune to prove it – between £30m and £40m, since you’re wondering.

Her personal franchise spans equestrian wear, perfume, lingerie, books, and of course celebrity endorsement. She also fits in a bit of glamour modelling, in case you hadn’t heard.

The point is that it shouldn’t really surprise us that someone sitting on top of that kind of commercial empire is actively taking an interest in current affairs that have such an impact on the UK business scene.

Then again, it could well be just a publicity stunt. And if that’s the case, the idea certainly hasn’t boobed as far as we’re concerned.

Update, Monday morning: Well, turns out it was just a publicity stunt – for Snickers. The clue is below, in the “You’re not you when you’re hungry @snickersUk […]” tweet, with a rather flagrantly promotional pic of Jordan brandishing a bar of nutty chocolatey goodness. Snickers has not as yet officially confirmed it was a marketing stunt, but the Twittersphere is fairly sure it was.

Clever advertising, wethinks, as it works two-fold. First, draw lots of extra attention to @misskatieprice as people start tweeting about the fact she’s tweeting out of character, ready to slip in the Snickers plug. Then revel in the press coverage of the stunt the next day. Not everyone likes the stunt, but we found it all quite amusing.

Thanks to @Dan_Martin for pointing this out to us on Twitter. Follow us @LondonlovesBiz and join the conversation.

Katie Price aka Jordan's tweet stream on eurozone debt crisis and QE

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