Few things are more frustrating than making a purchase and then later realizing you could have gotten it for less. Fortunately, internet is a powerful tool that lets you research, comparison shop and access exclusive discounts to help avoid feeling like you missed a great savings opportunity. Check out these 5 tips to find the best deals.
Shop on the right day
Holiday season is the best time to shop anything. You will get great discounts on variety of products from various retailers and online market. Also keep an eye out for sales that drop on specific days of the week. Many stores roll out special discounts and deals toward Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And if you are looking for the best deal on bingo games check the review of winner bingo and grab the live deal now. If you shop few times a year, be sure to mark your calendar for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Green Monday and even Amazon Prime Day.
Sign up for every free customer rewards program you can
No matter where you live, you’ll find number of retailers who are pleased to reward you for shopping at their store. Here’s the basic plan for maximizing these programs: create an email address just for these mailings, collect every card you can, and then check that account for extra coupons whenever you’re ready to shop.
Use coupons
Make it a habit to never purchase anything online or offline without first finding a coupon code to use. Do a simple Google search or try sites that gather coupon information like Groupon or Coupons.com. Search for the store you’re planning to shop from on Bountii and you’re all set! With only a few minutes of effort, you can find the best deals that could save at least 15–25% off your order!
The best tip to get the offline deal is to negotiate on price. This is pretty uncommon in the first world countries, but negotiation is common almost everywhere else in the world. The best advice I ever received for negotiating was, “the higher the price, and the higher the margin, the more you can negotiate”. To improve your chances of negotiating, try the following:
- Do your homework and know the real price
- Always be polite, respectful, and a little interested into why they can’t go lower
- Check for damage, like scuffs and scrapes – those are almost assured discounts
Shop online
Online shopping makes it easier than ever to get a good deal – whether it’s using comparison sites or taking a scanner everywhere you go on your phone to make sure you’re getting the best deal no matter where you are. Along with the deal sites, you can also make sure that you’re checking online to find the best deals. Sites like Amazon and eBay have huge amounts of products available.
Do a little research before buying any deal. If you find the product or service, it would be worth checking out their online prices, and make sure it really is a marked down price from the usual offerings.
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