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Home Business Insights & Advice Eight steps to a successful bicycle car accident claim

Eight steps to a successful bicycle car accident claim

by Sponsored Content
13th Jul 22 12:20 pm

Have you been involved in a bicycle accident? Are you wondering how to go about making a claim? Winning an accident claim can be a long and difficult process. It can also be a confusing one. Furthermore, there are various steps involved to increase your chances of winning your claim and getting the proper compensation.

To help you, here are eight steps you must follow for a successful bicycle-car accident claim:

1. Seek medical attention

If you’ve been involved in an accident with a car and suffered injuries, there’s no doubt that you need to see a doctor right away. It’s essential to seek treatment to diagnose and treat your injuries properly. If ignored or left untreated, they could worsen over time and lead to more severe health problems than they would otherwise.

Another significant reason to seek immediate medical attention after a bike crash is it can help improve your chances of getting compensation for your injuries. Through a medical report, an attorney can help determine whether you have grounds for filing a personal injury claim against the driver of any vehicle involved in your accident.

Moreover, you may be wondering, does home insurance cover bicycle accidents in Florida? Unfortunately, your bicycle accident isn’t covered by your standard home insurance. However, there are ways you can be insured, such as availing of a bike insurance policy that’ll cover you and your bike in case of an accident. You might want to ask your insurance agent about this kind of coverage because there are different types you can add to your standard insurance plan.

2. Report the accident

When you’re involved in a bicycle accident, you must report the mishap to the police. This ensures that the other driver is held responsible for their actions, and you can file a successful claim against them. However, if you don’t report the accident to the police immediately, it may make it more difficult for you to get compensated for your injuries. It would be best if you also considered contacting a lawyer as soon as possible after any bicycle-car accident.

3. Take photos of your injuries

You must take photos of your injuries if you’ve been in a bicycle-car accident. This will help prove the extent of your injuries and show how they affect your daily life. The photos can also help with insurance claims and support any lawsuits that arise from the accident.

The reason you should take photos or videos is simple. If you don’t submit them with your claim, it’ll be much harder for your insurance company to evaluate what happened during the accident. This can lead to a lower settlement amount or even no settlement at all.

  • Take Photos Of The Scene

If you were injured in a bicycle-car accident, take photos of the scene as soon as the crash. Pictures are crucial in filing a claim. So, take photos from multiple angles, including close-ups of skid marks, dents, and scrapes on both vehicles and anything else that might help document the collision.

Taking photos and videos of the scene of the accident will help protect your legal rights if you decide to file a personal injury claim. Photographs can also be used to document damage caused by the accident as well as any injuries sustained by the victim.

4. Get a witness statement

Witness statements are one of the most significant factors in any bicycle-car accident claim. They can be crucial in proving fault for an accident. That said, to ensure you have a strong case against the driver who caused your injuries, it’s essential to have written statements from those who saw what happened during the collision.

5. Obtain a copy of the police report

You may be entitled to compensation if you’ve sustained injuries in a bicycle-car accident. However, you must obtain specific documentation from the police department before filing a successful bicycle-car accident claim.

The first step in filing one is to obtain a copy of the police report. The police department should provide this document free of charge upon request. You can also get a copy online by going to the police department website and filling out an online form. If you don’t know where the accident occurred, provide as much information as possible so they can locate your case file.

6. Call your insurance company

Be sure to call your insurance company before accepting any money or making any payments from anyone else. If you don’t reach your insurance company first, they may not cover your claim at all. They’ll want to know what happened and when it happened so they can figure out if they need to pay for any damages or injuries. Your insurance company will also want details about who was at fault in the accident. That way, they can determine whether or not they need to pay for any damages on behalf of their insured driver.

7. Hire a lawyer

Bicycle accidents can happen in a flash. A rider can be hit by any vehicle, whether a motorcycle, car, or truck. There are many instances in which these collisions occur due to another driver’s negligence. If you’ve been injured in an accident with a motor vehicle, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical expenses and lost wages. You may also be able to recover damages for pain and suffering and other emotional distress as a result of your injuries.

It may seem like hiring a lawyer is unnecessary if you were only slightly injured in a bicycle-car accident. However, even minor injuries can take months to heal, resulting in thousands of dollars in medical bills. If the other driver was at fault for causing your injuries, you must hire a lawyer as soon as possible so they can begin building your case against them.

Final thoughts

If you want compensation after an accident, the steps above can help you feel more confident in your claim and ensure you take all the proper steps. Furthermore, it would be best to speak with an attorney. Don’t attempt to handle your claim on your own.

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