Home Insights & Advice What should you do if an employee suffers and injury at work?

What should you do if an employee suffers and injury at work?

by Sponsored Content
25th May 22 3:30 pm

If you or one of your coworkers suffers an injury at work due to an accident, you should call 911 right away. After suffering an accident at work, an employee can file a claim through workers’ compensation insurance to help reap the benefits, such as medical coverage.

There are many different laws across states for this coverage, depending on where you live. Usually, if you are a business owner, you need workers’ compensation. Even if your business is not demanded to carry this coverage, it’s still a good idea to get it. Most employees with work-related accidents decide to sue the employer for further medical bills and other expenses. So, if you don’t provide workers’ compensation, you will be liable for this financial burden. If you cannot cover the costs out of your pocket, it will become a substantial financial burden for your business.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to cover workers’ compensation if the personal injury claim isn’t work-related.

What to do if you have an employee injured during work times?

First, don’t panic. Accidents at work are common and can happen due to various reasons. If your employees get injured in the workplace, you need to follow these steps.

Act quickly – Don’t waste time asking questions now, like why the accident happened. If your employee or coworker needs medical attention, call 911 to carry them to the hospital. Follow all the safety and health requirement recommendations. This implies notifying the insurance agency when serious injuries occur in the workplace. You must report employee injuries and deaths within a couple of hours after the accident happened.

Get employees to a safe place – Move the injured employee to a safe area to reduce the risk of further injured workers. Determine how severe the injury is and what caused it. It can help you decide if you should file an injury claim or not.

Get evidence of the injuries – Evidence like photos and videos will count in case they file a claim later. Even if the employee says they’re okay, it’s still important to collect evidence of the work accident.

Maintain honest and open communication – It’s essential to be transparent with your employees while going through the claim process.

If an employee or a coworker gets injured during working hours, they can fill a compensation claim. Usually, the health insurance company will cover the costs of the medical treatment.

Pay attention to your wounds!

Falling victim to a work accident is a confusing time. Besides your injuries, you might also have worries related to the accident. Finding reliable information can be challenging. By far, the most important thing you must do is to be treated by a doctor in the immediate aftermath of the accident. Each workplace is legally obligated to provide a first aid kit. After an accident, if you are still able, find the first aid kit, or ask one of your coworkers to do it for you.

Even though your injuries might seem minor, in the worst-case scenario, they can become a lifetime condition if you don’t get proper treatment. So, get a complete evaluation of your injuries by a qualified doctor. They will consider if you need to go to the hospital or not. If you suffer a head injury, make sure your manager or coworkers attend the hospital with you. You shouldn’t be left alone in such difficult situations. Forget about other things right now; focus on your health.

Report the accident to your manager

If you were completely alone when the accident occurred, you must ensure your colleagues or executive are well aware of the accident. It’s important to decide later to make a compensation claim. Keep in mind that your employer can put pressure on you right now. It often happens, unfortunately, and they might be able to deny the accident. It sounds awful, but the fact is that the evidence works like magic in such situations. If you collect enough evidence regarding your accident, your employer won’t be able to prove the opposite.

In addition, you can claim compensation for your injuries and hope that your coworkers won’t get injured the way you did. It’s almost a moral obligation to ensure that your coworkers won’t suffer the same. Tell your manager about the accident, following the health and safety protocols. Who is at fault for the accident? This question is best to be left aside for the moment; your personal injury lawyer will handle these matters later on. It is best to leave these matters in the hands of a qualified solicitor with knowledge of allocating fault for accidents at work.

Record the accident in the accident book

Each company should have an accident catalogue. Some employers get reluctant when it comes to recording workplace accidents in their accident book, mostly because of the capability targets to minimise casualties at work. It’s vital to ensure that the accident doesn’t go unreported. Your employer might brag about how long has it been since an accident occurred at work. But you shouldn’t let this pressure control you and leave the accident unreported. It’s an essential duty, and if your employer refuses to record the accident, you should report yourself by writing your employer an email. They can’t delete the email; if they still refuse to register the accident, there are already enough reasons for you to take action and seek legal advice from an experienced personal injury lawyer.

The conclusion

Accidents at work can be very complicated. Besides the effects of an injury, you might not be prepared or know how to make a claim against your employer. A reliable and experienced personal injury lawyer will be on your side, providing your free and independent advice and explaining the claiming process. It’s an essential decision that gives people space and time to decide what to do next and what’s right for them.

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