Home Brexit Chancellor backs PM’s call for a general election

Chancellor backs PM’s call for a general election

by LLB Politics Reporter
5th Sep 19 9:51 am

Sajid Javid the chancellor of the exchequer backs the prime minister’s call for an early snap general election.

Javid said, “Since the 2017 election, we’ve had a parliament that keeps saying what it doesn’t want when it comes to Brexit, but it is not deciding on what it wants.

“We’ve just got to the point now that we need to let the people decide who should govern this country.

“And the choice is going to be clear: they can choose Jeremy Corbyn, and all his dithering and his desire to ignore the will of the people and stay in the EU.

“Or they can choose Boris Johnson, who will not only deliver on that central promise to leave the EU, but also on the people’s priorities.”

On Wednesday evening the government failed to secure the required support of two thirds of parliament, under the Fixed-term Parliamentary Act.

The House of Commons voted 298 to 55, which is 136 votes short.

A spokesman for Downing Street confirmed on Thursday morning that Johnson is to “speak directly to the public, setting out the vital choice that faces our country.”

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