Home Old Breaking News Cameron promises tax cuts for 30 million people

Cameron promises tax cuts for 30 million people

1st Oct 14 1:17 pm

And this is how Twitter reacted to his speech

David Cameron has promised tax cuts if the Conservatives are elected next year.

In his speech at the Tory party conference, the prime minister said he would cut taxes for 30 million people.

He proposed the threshold for the 40p tax rate would be increased from £41,900 to £50,000 if he was in power in 2015, to reward those who “do the right thing”, he said.

He also announced he would be helping people who earn less, by increasing the tax-free personal allowance threshold from £10,500 to £12,500.

The PM also promised “English votes for English laws” – referring to plans to correct the system where currently Scottish and Welsh MPs can vote on issues that affect only England, while English MPs cannot vote in devolved matters.

The PMs speech included:

  • A plan to build 100,000 affordable homes for first-time buyers.
  • He said: “If you vote UKIP, that is really a vote for Labour.”
  • A place on the National Citizenship Service scheme for every teenager.
  • He said he would not “take no for an answer” in EU negotiations before 2017’s membership referendum that the Conservatives promised.


However, Cameron created some controversy by calling former foreign secretary “our greatest living Yorkshireman”.

Cue Twitter outrage.


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