Home Brexit Brexit fishing row grows, now Gove will ramp up maritime defence

Brexit fishing row grows, now Gove will ramp up maritime defence

12th Nov 20 12:29 pm

Michael Gove MP has fired a warning shot to Brussels that he will “enhance maritime security” after Brexit as fed up fishermen are fed up with “losing out” to the EU.

The fisheries negotiations have been one of the most bitterly argued points in the ever-ongoing Brexit row, and Brussels are still demanding access to British waters after the transition period.

Rogue EU fishermen have warned that they will still fish in British waters after Brexit, but Gove has signalled that he will not concede to Brussels and will bolster UK maritime capabilities.

Gove told MPs in House of Commons, “Under the Common Fisheries Policy it’s not just the case that environmentally we’ve lost out, it’s also the case that the coastal communities have lost out as well.

“As an independent coastal state, we will be able to rebalance the opportunities in our waters to ensure our coastal communities can benefit more financially.

“And we will replace the European Maritime Fisheries Fund with new funding to ensure there are facilities onshore in order to help with the processing of the fish that we catch.

“And, of course, we will enhance our maritime security capability as well.”

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