Home Business NewsBusinessBanking News 13 per cent of Londoner’s lost their bank cards in 2018

13 per cent of Londoner’s lost their bank cards in 2018

by LLB Reporter
26th Jun 19 12:05 pm

Re-tracing your steps, turning your house upside-down in a desperate attempt to find something you know you’ve put down somewhere, we’ve all had that sense of dread that comes with losing or misplacing something.

New research suggests that while those who lose things regularly aren’t alone, we absolutely need to tighten things up to avoid that horrible, pit-of-your-stomach feeling that comes with losing something important.

With other top prized possessions most commonly lost in Greater London being house keys (18%), glasses (15%) and phones (11%) are we becoming ever more forgetful?

Our memories can play a massive role in losing our prized possessions with almost six in ten (59%) people in Greater London saying they often put things in a ‘safe place’ only to forget where that safe place actually is. Meanwhile, almost two in five (39%) have lost and cancelled their bank card, only to find it again soon after.

Guy Simmonds, Nationwide Head of Current Account Customer Management said: “We’ve all had that feeling of dread when you go to use something and realise it’s not where you thought it was. That feeling is exasperated when the thing you’ve lost is your debit card as you instantly start to worry that someone may have started spending your money.

“Our research shows that a large majority of people who report their card lost or stolen go on to find it, so being able to freeze their card will reduce both stress and inconvenience. If members can’t find their card, then they can easily report it and order a new one within the banking App.”

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