Home Business News Ukrainian economy will develop between $130 to $160bn in 2023 to 2024

Ukrainian economy will develop between $130 to $160bn in 2023 to 2024

by LLB Finance Reporter
1st Sep 22 11:36 am

According to the Capital Times core scenario nominal GDP of Ukraine is estimated as $145bn (muсh lower from $200bn in 2021) and the real GDP could decrease by 34% in 2022.

Looking forward, the Ukrainian economy will be developing between $130-160bn in 2023-2024 and receiving great amounts of financial support from external funds for budget financing and infrastructure reconstruction.

Artem Shcherbyna, chief investment officer, head of R&D Capital Times said,Even though the new wave of the war escalation is not in our core scenario we see Ukrainian economy to return to pre-war levels not earlier than in 2026.

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“Besides, Ukraine started recovering in the situation of three FX rates on the money market: official (the NBU), banking and cash market.

“The NBU will hold PEG policy till the end of active military actions on the territory of Ukraine in II-III quarter of 2023, according to our view. But the hike in official USDUAH rate is very likely within next 6 months.

“Military spending’s increased sharply from 6-9% to 30-40% per month in government budget structure.

“This tendency won’t end till the war continues in Ukraine. Budget deficit has been increasing since March, and reached 348 bn UAH (or $11.9 bn) at the end of June.

“Ministry of Finance did good job with creditors and has stabilizet government budget in spending section.

“We assume that the budget deficit would not exceed 500 bn UAH till December when it could increase to 800bn UAH (or $21.9bn) due to a traditional government spending’s hike. If so the budget deficit could represent 17% of Ukraine’s GDP.

“In social segment the war led to the huge 35-percentage spike in unemployment rate. Significant share of Ukrainian population has lost their jobs due to the deep economic turmoil and migration processes.

“If we compare the situation in Ukraine to the similar in ex-Yugoslavia region, and the NBU also mentioned that in their reports, unemployment will decrease slowly and keep being at high levels due to the long-term consequences from war.

“In addition we see a significant risk of depressed ares formation near front line zone.

“We see different factors that could lead to the improving in recovery speed of Ukraine. The victory of Ukraine and Russia-belarus capitulation, of course, among them.”

The core scenario included the end of active military actions on the 80% of territory of Ukraine in II quarter of 2023.

Where the end of active military actions include permanent missile attack ceasefire of the territory of Ukraine out of front line zone, no dislocation of Russian missile army or artillery units on the territory of Belarus and active process of miltilateral diplomatic negotiations.

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