Home Business News UK lockdown measures set to be reviewed for ‘extension’

UK lockdown measures set to be reviewed for ‘extension’

by LLB Reporter
6th Apr 20 4:36 pm

Mark Drakeford has said the UK’s four governments must meet for an urgent meeting to review the current lockdown measures.

The Health Secretary said on Sunday speaking to Sky’s Sophy Ridge, he does “not want to have to take away exercise as a reason to leave home.”

The First Minister of Wales said all four nations must decide to whether to extend the current lockdown whilst Boris Johnson is in hospital receiving treatment.

Drakeford said: “As we reach this two-week point it is very important, I believe, that Cobra now meets again to review the regulations as we are required to do, and to make a decision about what happens next.

“It’s important that the four governments of the UK come together to consider the evidence and to decide the best way forward together.”

When Drakeford was asked if he would advocate an extension of the current lockdown, he said it would be “foolish” to remove the current constraints after “the enormous effort everyone has made” during the period.

He said, “I think the lockdown will need to continue beyond Easter Tuesday.

“That’s when the three weeks formally comes to an end.

“We will look at the scientific and medical evidence.

“But everything suggests to me a further period of restraint will be necessary.”

Drakeford added, “I wrote to the Prime Minister on Thursday of the week before last as soon as he fell ill, wishing him a speedy recovery, and want to repeat that today.

“I hope his stay in hospital will be as short as necessary and that he will soon be on the road to recovery.”

The First Minister warned, “things are likely to get worse before they get better” as Wales are yet to reach their peak.

The British Prime Minister is still being treated with coronavirus, he still has a “persistent cough and temperature.”

Downing Street are refusing to confirm if Boris Johnson has pneumonia, but a spokesman said his condition is now no longer “mild,” and remains “under observation.”

They added, that Johnson remains in “good spirits” and is in contact with his aides despite his temperature not subsiding for 10 days.

The coronavirus patient death toll in England has risen by 403, taking the total in the country to 4,897.

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