Home Breaking There can be no deal without backstop, May tells MPs

There can be no deal without backstop, May tells MPs

by Purvai Dua
26th Nov 18 4:14 pm

In her Commons speech today, Prime Minister Theresa May announced that there can be no deal without a backstop.

But the backstop is essential, May said, adding: Without a backstop, there will be no agreement.

She also assured the MPs that she is aware about the concerns over the issue but both sides are committed to working to try to avoid the backstop.


May’s comment comes a day after the 27 other EU leaders approved the terms of the UK’s exit at a summit.

If it were to become necessary, the government would have a choice between the backstop and extending the transition, May added.

May further said that if it were to be implemented, it would only be temporary.

Corbyn has, however, urged May to prepare a plan B, saying softer Brexit could win support of Commons. He said there is a deal that could win the support of this House, “based on a comprehensive customs union, a strong single market deal that protects rights at work and environmental safeguards”.


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