Home Business Insights & Advice The main benefits of ongoing staff training and how to deliver it effectively

The main benefits of ongoing staff training and how to deliver it effectively

by Sponsored Content
24th Jan 22 3:06 pm

Employee development is something that should always remain a priority within your organisation. After all, no successful business can function without a talented team of employees behind them.

Offering employees ongoing training can benefit both your employees and your organisation. This article will discuss some of the main benefits and share some top tips on delivering training effectively.

Increased workplace productivity

Your employees are more likely to feel motivated if they have support from their organisation. This is one of the many great benefits of ongoing staff training. Investing time into your employees shows them that you value them. It can motivate them to progress in their roles and strive towards further success. Additional training can also improve your employee’s confidence and skills. The additional training will help them get better at their job roles, and it may even encourage others to strive towards progression.

Workplace productivity should be something that is constantly monitored. A dip in progression can cause a lot of damage to your business. It can lead to a lot of wasted time, which will cost your business a lot of money. Ongoing training is just one effective way to boost workplace productivity. However, there are plenty more solutions that you can try. Seek inspiration through various online resources.

Enhanced employee engagement

If your employees are disengaged with their job roles, it can make them feel demotivated, and they may even start to look for a job elsewhere. This can negatively affect your retention score, making your organisation a less desirable place to work. Often, employees become disengaged when they feel underappreciated in their roles. Studies have shown that around 54% of UK employees do not feel purposeful. Therefore, investing time into them can help you avoid falling into this statistic.

Engaged employees are more likely to create better work and help your company reach its goals faster. By offering employees the chance to enhance their learning, you allow them to advance in their careers. This helps keep employees engaged at work as they feel valued by their organisation.

Ability to track progress with online learning systems

Now that technology has rapidly advanced – providing ongoing staff training has been easier for organisations. Now, employees don’t have to attend long training sessions in the office. Instead, they can train at a time and place that suits them with the help of online learning systems. These systems allow staff to receive training in a virtual environment. A learning management system (LMS) provides learning materials like multimedia content to aid progression. However, you can also use a learning experience platform (LXP) which is characterised by the exploration of content.

Now, you can roll both LMS and LXP into one by working with specialist organisations. You can boost your business with imc’s Learning Suite, which allows you to tailor your learning platform to your business needs, and you can even brand it in your style. Your employees can decide what learning path they want to take and how to access it, whether that be via mobile or through the app. The best part is you can use the learning suite to track your employee’s progress. So, you can identify who has completed what training session and when. It helps you, as a business leader, stay on top of it.

Added edge over competitors

Trends come and go across all industries, and it is important that your organisation can keep up to date with them to stay ahead of your competitors. Therefore, it is crucial that your employees are knowledgeable about what is happening in the industry. Prioritising employee development through ongoing training ensures that everyone on your team is on the same level regarding the latest trends in your industry. This is highly likely to give you a competitive edge over others.

Now, more businesses are hitting the market each day. So, it is crucial that your team learn to take on the latest trends to help you stand out and survive amongst your competitors. Those who fail to achieve this – may experience a stunt in their growth, which can negatively impact workplace productivity.

Attract and retain talent

Although the job market is heavily saturated with candidates, this doesn’t mean that it is easy scouting the best talent. You need to give the top talent a reason why they should want to work for your company. You can achieve this by showing them that you value your employees and invest time in them by providing ongoing training. You don’t want employees to feel like they are coming to work for a paycheque. Instead, you want to offer them more by giving them opportunities to learn and grow. Your company is sure to dominate its specific market if you can attract some of the best talent around.

As well as attracting new people to your company, you also want to retain the staff you already have. This is another benefit of ongoing training. Employees are more likely to stay loyal to their company if they see a future there. Offering continuous training shows them that there are areas to progress. This can also work in favour of your retention score. If you need help improving your retention score, it is recommended that you look online at some helpful resources for guidance.

Make learning materials easily accessible

To reap the benefits that ongoing staff training can offer, you must learn how to deliver it effectively. Firstly, you will need to ensure that learning materials are easily accessible. Start by segmenting your materials into specific categories – so it is self-explanatory and easy to follow. Failure to do this can lead to confusion and a lot of wasted time. If your learning materials include both audio and visual elements, ensure that employees can still access the information without the need for vision and hearing. For example, if there is a diagram on screen, make sure there is an audio clip to accompany it to explain what the diagram consists of.

You can learn more about creating accessible learning materials through informative resources that you can find online. The key is to make the learning experience as self-explanatory as possible. If your employees have to access ten different folders before finding the materials they need, they can disengage with the task at hand.

Manage expectations

If you want your training to be a total success, you will need to manage expectations. Start by clearly identifying the roles of each employee. Not everyone will need to undergo the same training as one another. Make sure that your team knows what is expected of them. You can achieve this through holding regular meetings, and it can benefit your organisation to conduct 1:1s.

A 1:1 allows you to get to know your staff on a more personal level. You can use this time to identify their strong skills and areas to improve. You can then work together to figure out how they will get there. Once your employees have a clear idea of what is expected of them, it can motivate them to complete their training and strive towards further progression within the organisation.

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