Home Business News Sunak appoints new national security advisor to help government through a ‘dangerous world’

Sunak appoints new national security advisor to help government through a ‘dangerous world’

23rd Apr 24 1:25 pm

The Prime Minster has said he will appoint a top general as the new national security advisor to help provide advice to help the government through an “increasingly dangerous world.”

The current national security advisor Sir Tim Barrow is set to be appointed as the new British ambassador to the US.

The Prime Minister has said that General Gwyn Jenkins has the “requisite set of skills” to provide Rishi Sunak will security advice for the government.

The Labour leader accused the government of rushing the diplomatic appointments and Sir Keir Starmer will most likely overturn the appointment if they win the general election.

Sunak was asked over the change, he said, “The ambassadorial or diplomatic appointments are always made in the usual way, which they will be.

“And it’s entirely normal for those to be made in advance, entirely normal, entirely keeping with precedent because ambassadors designate often go and acclimatise themselves and build relationships before they formally start.”

On the new appointment of General Jenkin’s Sunak said, “I’m really pleased that Gwyn is going to do this job.

“In an incredibly uncertain and increasingly dangerous world, it’s important the person doing this job has the requisite set of skills to provide advice to me and to help navigate that landscape.

“As many of you know, he has a very distinguished career in the armed forces, he was in the special forces as well as serving in No 10 as a military advisor and deputy national security adviser.

“I’d just point out it’s the first time we’ve had someone with a military background in that job and obviously he has worked in No 10 as well so has that policy experience.

“We need someone in that job who can blend a range of different skills together, diplomatic, intelligence, military operations.

“I have worked with Gwyn very closely since I’ve been PM – he’s first-rate, the country is lucky to have his service, the Government is very lucky to have his advice.”

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