Home Business News Security Minister warns UK ‘must increase defence spending’

Security Minister warns UK ‘must increase defence spending’

11th Mar 24 2:09 pm

The Security Minister has said the UK “must increase defence spending” to reach 2.5% of GDP “now” and he has urged Rishi Sunak to “lead the way” on increasing the budget.

Tom Tugendhat who is a former soldier posted on social media last week that the government must increase their defence spending to “2.5% and beyond.”

Speaking to Sky News Tugendhat was asked if he wants to see the Prime Minister to do more, he said, “Well, I want to achieve 2.5% now – as soon as possible.

“That is exactly what we need to achieve.

“You know, the first step is to get to 2.5% and then we’ll have to adjust as the challenges we face evolve.”

Last week during the Spring Budget the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt told MPs in the House of Commons, “Our armed forces remain the most professional and best-funded in Europe with defence spending already more than 2% of GDP.

“We are providing more military support to Ukraine than nearly any other country and our spending will rise to 2.5% as soon as economic conditions allow.”

Tugendhat warned of the challenges of Iran’s ambitions in the Middle East,” along with the “threat that Russia poses to Ukraine.”

The Security Minister also warned of the “rise in autocratic states” which is another reasons to increase defence spending to 2.5% or more.

In a post on LinkedIn with the Foreign Office minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan Tugendhat said, “Former defence secretary Ben Wallace and prime minister Boris Johnson made inroads into growing our defence budgets, which had been shrinking in real terms for years. But that only filled the hole.

“Now we need growth.”

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