Home Business News NATO is ‘preparing for war’ as secret military intercepted call reveals UK ‘troops on the ground’ in Ukraine

NATO is ‘preparing for war’ as secret military intercepted call reveals UK ‘troops on the ground’ in Ukraine

4th Mar 24 11:57 am

Secret military communications have been intercepted as a German air chief was discussing UK “troops on the ground” in Ukraine.

Last week the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz “referred to British and French troops being in Ukraine.”

In has been described as a “major breakdown” in “secure communications” after the call was unencrypted.

Russia has warned that that this shows NATO are “preparing for war” and the German ambassador Alexander Graf Lambsdorffl was summoned to the Foreign Ministry in Moscow.

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Former defence minister Tobias Ellwood slammed the Germans for the call after it was intercepted by Russia as German air force officers were talking about British operations involving UK troops being on the ground in Ukraine.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4 on Monday morning, Ellwood said, “This leak of military planning is worrying on a number of levels. Why weren’t basic communications security protocols followed?

“It also revealed tension between senior German military and the Chancellor.

“The tide seems to be turning in Ukraine unless they receive greater support.

“The German public still see it as a war in Ukraine, not part of a wider confrontation Putin is seeking to have with the West.”

Sky News reported that Ellwood said, “This is a major breakdown in the utility of secure communications.

“What it’s illuminated is the difference of views there are between senior German military that want to send those important long-range missiles to Ukraine and Olaf Scholz, who is not interested in doing this.

“We in Britain have made it really clear that it’s not just right to support Ukraine, but it’s in our own interests as well because of European security.”

The former army chief Lord Richard Dannatt told Times Radio, “I was very disappointed to read that story. I think the German air force officers who were talking on an open line, frankly, they should be censured pretty heavily.

“They are suggesting that there are British people in Ukraine. It’s not for you or me to comment on that.”

The Kremlin has said that this “shows involvement of the West” in the war inside Ukraine and Dmitry Peskov said that is it not clear if German forces are had acted on their own or was this part of some sort of state policy.

The Telegraph reported that the 38-minute phone call was played on Russian TV and Moscow believes that NATO are “planning a war” against Russia.

The deputy head of Russia’s Security council said, “Our age-old rivals – the Germans – have again turned into our sworn enemies.

“Look, with what thoroughness and in such detail the [Germans] discuss striking our territory with long-range missiles, choose targets to hit and discuss how to inflict the maximum harm to our motherland and our people.”

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