Home Uncategorized London’s top business leaders hail launch of Securing Britain’s Growth

London’s top business leaders hail launch of Securing Britain’s Growth

4th Apr 14 5:17 pm

Enterprise and Skills minister Matthew Hancock MP, Agent Provocateur CEO Garry Hogarth, Pretty Green CEO Richard Ralph, Antal International CEO Tony Goodwin and other London business leaders joined LondonlovesBusiness.com on Thursday 3 April as we proudly launched the third publication in our Securing Britain series: Securing Britain’s Growth, in partnership with Barclays.

Securing Britain’s Growth sees 33 London business leaders share their key ideas on how to drive business and economic growth in the UK.

More than 100 guests from leading businesses filled the opulent Private Rooms at 51 Buckingham Gate, where speakers included Barclays head of London corporate banking Mike Daniels, and the Enterprise and Skills minister.

SBG launch

LondonlovesBusiness.com’s Sophie Hobson, Matthew Hancock MP and Barclays’ Mike Daniels

LondonlovesBusiness.com editor Sophie Hobson introduced Securing Britain’s Growth, saying the aim of the publication is to share the insights of London business leaders on how economic and business growth with the business and political communities.

She said: “When the business and political worlds share their ideas, we can galvanise the conversations needed to inspire action.”

Matthew Hancock outlined the government’s approach to tackling the topics raised in the report.


Enterprise and Skills minister Matthew Hancock MP takes the stage

He reminded the audience that the most important thing the government can do for businesses is to engage with them and find out which issues are affecting productivity.

He said that government would focus on what can be done to alleviate problems.


Barclays’ Mike Daniels said that the bank’s role in financing businesses through the burgeoning recovery meant the bank had learned from its customers, and that bringing businesses together allowed them to share their experiences.

Sir Richard Branson, a contributor to Securing Britain’s Growth, blogged and tweeted in support of the publication.

  And others joined in too…


Now read:

SBG cover resize

Our securing Britain series:



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