Home Business Insights & Advice SECURING BRITAIN'S GROWTH: By Richard Branson, Boris Johnson, Martha Lane Fox, Kelly Hoppen & more business champions

SECURING BRITAIN'S GROWTH: By Richard Branson, Boris Johnson, Martha Lane Fox, Kelly Hoppen & more business champions

by LLB Editor
3rd Apr 14 8:46 am

London business leaders on turning the nation into an economic powerhouse

Read Securing Britain’s Growth online by clicking the image below (or CLICK HERE if viewing on mobile):

Securing Britain's Growth

We are delighted to announce the launch of the third publication in our Securing Britain series: Securing Britain’s Growth, in partnership with Barclays.

Why Securing Britain’s Growth?

What does Britain need to become an economic powerhouse? From Sir Richard Branson to Baroness Martha Lane Fox, Securing Britain’s Growth sees 30 British business leaders draw up their masterplans for accelerating our economic and business growth.

How can we foster a culture of entrepreneurialism? How can we best address skills gaps? What barriers stand in the way of international trade? What does Britain need to produce the next Facebook or Google? Securing Britain’s Growth addresses all of these issues, detailing action points for both businesses and the government. The aim of the publication is to make a compelling case against all business blockers that are holding the nation back.

Click the image above to read Securing Britain’s Growth online and find out what Britain need to do for:

  • Boosting enterprise
  • Nurturing talent
  • Going global
  • Driving digital
  • Securing growth in key sectors

Securing Britain’s Growth’s contributors include:

Sir Richard Branson        

Boris Johnson                   

Baroness Martha Lane Fox CBE

Matthew Hancock MP                 

Steve Holliday                

Kelly Hoppen MBE

Doug Richard     

John Winter     

Xavier Rolet

Tony Pidgley CBE             

Will King              

Hayley Parsons OBE

Jon Moulton     

Graham Schuhmacher MBE        

Alastair Mitchell 

Will Butler-Adams           

Dan Wagner     

Tony Goodwin

Mark Boleat                      

Ivan Retzignac        

Andrew Bucher

Jon Reynolds                    

Paul Drechsler                  

Rajeeb Dey 

Phil Couchman                

Garry Hogarth                 

Duncan Cheatle

Graham Corfield              

Simon Spinks                    

Chris Maples

Ning Li              

Matt Isaacs        

Peter Wetherell

The publication has a limited print run, and has been sent to all MPs, all Lords and all CEOs and FDs of FTSE 350, AIM-listed and the top private companies. If you are interested in receiving a copy, please email frances [dot] hughes [at] londonlovesbusiness [dot] com.

The next edition in our Securing Britain series will be Securing Britain: Responsible Business, to be published in July 2014. For sponsorship and partnership opportunities, please email frances [dot] hughes [at] londonlovesbusiness [dot] com.

Our securing Britain series:



What do you think Britan needs to acclerate business and economic growth? Tweet us @Londonlovesbiz and join the debate on LinkedIn

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