Home Brexit Labour slammed for ‘deranged’ Brexit demands

Labour slammed for ‘deranged’ Brexit demands

10th Oct 20 5:29 pm

Labour has been shamed for their recent Brexit food standards demands, which would actually “rule out a trade deal” with Brussels.

Prominent Brexiteer and former Tory MEP Daniel Hannan called Labours plans as “absurd” for the UK to ban food imports made on lower standards.

Labour claims that this will guarantee the UK’s high food and farming standards in law once Britain has left the bloc.

They would also rule out a trade deal with the US and the EU.

Hannan said on Twitter, “What Labour is suggesting is that we go beyond existing EU standards.

“The absurdity of these proposals is that they wouldn’t just rule out a trade deal with the US; they would rule out a trade deal with the EU, several of whose members have different animal welfare regulations.

“What Labour is asking for here is a blanket ban on food imports from much of the world, including many countries we buy from now as EU members.

“I get that anti-Americanism plays to some on the Left, but taking it to this level is deranged.”

This comes after Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer asked Boris Johnson to make amendments to the Agriculture Bill.

The Agriculture Bill sets out farming policies once the UK has left the EU, which will guarantee high standards of food and prevent lower quality food imports.

Sir Keir warned, “No one wants lower quality food on our plates, but unless the Prime Minister shows some leadership and backs British farmers there is a real risk this could happen.”

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