Home Brexit Is the Prime Minister on the verge of quitting?

Is the Prime Minister on the verge of quitting?

by LLB Politics Reporter
5th Sep 19 2:10 pm

Boris Johnson is on the verge of quitting as prime minster after only being in the job for a few weeks, according to the Express.

A senior minister has said there is “no way” Johnson will ask the EU for yet another extension to Article 50 as he has previously said, “We are leaving on 31 October, no ifs or buts.”

On Wednesday MPs in the House of Commons seized control of the Brexit timetable, and voted through legislation that gives the prime minister until the 19 October to pass a Brexit deal, or for MPs to approve a no-deal.

Johnson was further defeated to call a general election on 15 October, meaning he is no forced to seek an extension from Brussels, this he will not do.

The prime minister announced this week during a speech outside Number 10 that there are no circumstances I will ask “Brussels to delay.”

He said in his speech, “I want everybody to know, there are no circumstances in which I will ask Brussels to delay.

“We are leaving on 31 October, no ifs or buts.”

Professor Tony Travers of the LSE in London said, “If Boris Johnson doesn’t apply for an extension to the Article 50 process, he may well have to resign.

“Whether he can find a way of forcing through a general election is in doubt”

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