Home Business NewsBusiness Former Merrill Lynch banker chosen to be 692nd Lord Mayor of the City

Former Merrill Lynch banker chosen to be 692nd Lord Mayor of the City

by LLB Editor
3rd Oct 19 9:24 am

William Russell has been elected as the 692nd Lord Mayor of the City of London. As the elected head of the City of London Corporation, he will serve as a global ambassador for the UK-based financial and professional services industry from 8 November 2019 for a one-year term.

Alderman Russell will succeed the current Lord Mayor, Peter Estlin, following the Silent Ceremony on Friday 8 November at Guildhall. The annual Lord Mayor’s Show takes place on Saturday 9 November, which will be followed by the Lord Mayor’s Banquet on Monday 11 November at Guildhall where the Prime Minister will deliver a speech.

The Lord Mayor acts as an international spokesperson for the City, leading business delegations overseas to key international markets on behalf of the UK’s financial and professional services industry.

In the role he will meet government representatives from around the world, alongside business leaders and policy makers both at home and abroad. He will look to strengthen economic ties with the UK, identify new business opportunities and promote the UK as a top global destination for foreign investment. He is expected to spend more than 100 days abroad visiting around thirty countries across six continents.

During his Mayoral year, Alderman Russell will also look to promote his ‘Global UK – Trade, Innovation & Culture’ agenda which will build on the current Lord Mayor’s theme of ‘Shaping Tomorrow’s City Today’, focusing on connecting communities through trade, innovation and culture.

The programme has three key aspects: growing global trade and investment, championing innovation, and promoting a rich and vibrant cultural and creative economy. Alderman Russell’s mayoral theme will inform his entire term, influencing international visits, ceremonial and state banquets, business and charitable activities.

William Russell said: “It is a great honour and privilege to be elected the 692nd Lord Mayor of the City of London. This great City is a driving force for the UK, creating jobs, prosperity and cultural capital for all to share.

“Though these are undoubtedly challenging times for the City, there is still so much to celebrate. London’s fundamental strengths mean that no matter what the outcome of Brexit, the City will be embarking on a new chapter in its long success story.

“The City’s status as a global financial capital is reflected in its unique combination of time zone, language, legal system, global talent, and financial ecosystem. People come here, not just for business, but for our burgeoning cultural and creative offer, our open spaces and our heritage.

“A culturally diverse city helps to drive a creative economy, fuel innovation and deliver a flourishing society. My agenda as Lord Mayor will recognise this – championing the synergy between trade, innovation and culture in a thriving local, national and international economy as part of a Global UK.”

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