Home Business NewsBusinessAviation News Flybe rescue plan ‘a blatant misuse of public funds’

Flybe rescue plan ‘a blatant misuse of public funds’

by LLB Editor
15th Jan 20 10:08 am

Willie Walsh, chief executive of British Airways-owner IAG, is not in favour of subsidies for Flybe, or letting it delay paying back air passenger duty tax it owes.

“Prior to the acquisition of Flybe by the consortium which includes Virgin/Delta, Flybe argued for tax payers to fund its operations by subsidising regional routes,” Mr Walsh says

“Virgin/Delta now want the taxpayer to pick up the tab for their mismanagement of the airline. This is a blatant misuse of public funds.

“Flybe’s precarious situation makes a mockery of the promises the airline, its shareholders and Heathrow have made about the expansion of regional flights if a third runway is built.”

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