Home Business Insights & Advice Effective time management while commuting

Effective time management while commuting

by Sponsored Content
1st Jul 20 2:53 pm

As the capital of England and a major global business hub, London is an incredibly busy city with businesses in all kinds of different industries. Due to the cost of housing in London, this means that most people commute into work in the capital each day and for most people the best way to do this is by train.

Commuting by train into London is incredibly easy and can bring a range of benefits, plus the excellent underground system means that it is easy to get to where you are working no matter where it is in the capital. With this in mind, read on to find out why commuting by train is such a good option and preferable to driving or any other method.

Less stressful

One of the main reasons that commuting by train is a good option for those working in the capital it that it is much less stressful than having to drive. Driving in and around London can be stressful, especially during commuting hours which means that people often arrive feeling flustered and stressed which is not how you should start your day. While the trains certainly are busy during peak hours, it can take the stress out of travelling and you are free to use the time as you wish. In fact, studies show that getting the train to work makes people happier than driving despite the crowds and potential disruption.

Get a head start on work

Following this, the fact that you do not have to focus on driving means that you have the ability to focus on your work. This might involve replying to emails, preparing for a meeting or working out for your schedule for the day so that you arrive in the office feeling well-prepared and ready to crack on with the day.


Alternatively, many people that commute into London use the train as a chance to relax and get in the right mindset before work. There are many ways to do this, such as listening to music or podcasts, reading a book or texting friends and making plans for after work. It is rare to get much time to yourself in today’s busy world so many people find that the commute can actually be a good chance to spend some time alone.

Arrive at the same time

While it is true that trains can be disrupted, you will find that the traffic jams that you would face while driving means that it is very hard to predict what time you will arrive at work. With trains to King Cross being so regular and other key stations, you should arrive at the same time each day unless there is a delay for one reason or another.

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