Home Business NewsPolitics News Did your dad hate Britain? Twitter reactions to Daily Mail’s macabre Miliband piece

Did your dad hate Britain? Twitter reactions to Daily Mail’s macabre Miliband piece

2nd Oct 13 11:50 am

The Daily Mail’s article about Ralph Miliband, “The man who hated Britain”, has prompted impassioned debate during party conference season.

Labour leader Ed Miliband demanded an apology for the “lies” about his father. The Mail has so far refused, and even reprinted part of the original piece alongside Ed’s reply.

Many have seen the Mail’s piece as a gratuitous personal attack.

David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Boris Johnson have all muttered support for Ed, and outraged Twitter users responded in their own particular way: using the satirical hashtag #mydadhatedbritain. LondonlovesBusiness.com takes a look at some of the best tweets.












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