Home Business News Boris warns ‘there is no land-for-peace deal to be done’ with Putin and the war can end in 2023

Boris warns ‘there is no land-for-peace deal to be done’ with Putin and the war can end in 2023

by LLB political Reporter
10th Dec 22 1:09 pm

The former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said that it is “in everyone’s interest, including Russia” to end the war as soon as possible.

He has urged western leaders to “look urgently” to do more to support Ukraine and that even though the enormous financial support is “painful” given the current global economic situation, “time is money, and the longer this goes on the more we will all end up paying in military support.”

Writing in the Wall Street Journal Johnson wrote, “There is no land-for-peace deal to be done, even if Mr Putin were offering it and even if he were to be trusted, which he is not.

“Since the war can end only one way, the question is how fast we get to the inevitable conclusion.

Read more on Russia-Ukraine war:

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Putin’s army are building a system of bunkers and are digging trenches as there is a ‘credible threat’ Ukraine will invade Russia

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“It’s in everyone’s interest, including Russia’s, that the curtain comes down as soon as possible on Mr Putin’s misadventure.

“Not in 2025, not in 2024, but in 2023.”

The former Prime Minister then warned that the winter in 2023 could be far worse than the one we are in now, as gas supplies will run low for countries who are dependent on Russian fuels.

Johnson argued, “The longer Mr Putin continues with his senseless attacks, the longer the global economic haemorrhage will continue as well.

“Are we really going to wait and let this thing drift until Mr Putin has regained some of his leverage?

“It is time to look urgently at what more the West can do to help the Ukrainians achieve their military objectives, or at least to kick the Russians out of all the territories invaded this year.

“That’s the only plausible basis on which a conversation about the future could begin.”

He then said it is “total nonsense” that many have concerns over “poking the Russian bear” and that the West must continue to support Ukraine.

He added,  “Decades of western lassitude and irresolution about Ukraine’s status… enticed the bully to make his mistake.

“The West has atoned for this failure with a stunning display of coherence and unity since February. We must be stronger and bolder.”

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