Home Business Insights & Advice Best gifts to take to a house warming party

Best gifts to take to a house warming party

by Sarah Dunsby
24th Oct 22 1:48 pm

One of the best things that you could do for your friends or a family member would be to go to their housewarming party. More importantly, getting a great gift for them for their housewarming party is also crucial to the experience. If you’re looking for the perfect gift to take to a housewarming party, look no further! These gifts are sure to please any new homeowner. From décor to appliances, couples hamper to kitchenware, we’ve got you covered. So, what are you waiting for? Start shopping today!


What housewarming party is complete without having a few glasses of wine? If the person has just moved into the house, then the chances are they probably won’t have any wine to give to the guests, which is where this gift comes in. Instead of just getting one bottle of wine, why not surprise them and get them an assortment of wines for every occasion? One that can be used on the day and the rest that can be used as a housewarming present to be stored for future use.

Wine rack

If you did go with the idea of getting a few bottles of wine, then why not get a fantastic wine rack to go with it? As mentioned, if the person has just moved in, they probably don’t have a wine rack yet, so this will be a great pair of gifts. You should also try to get a wine rack that will hold the same number of wine bottles that you have.

Pots and pans

When most people move into a house for the first time, whether they are renting or buying, chances are they probably don’t have any pots or pans. If you’re looking to get a gift that will not only be incredibly practical but also highly appreciated, you should consider getting a few pots and pans. If you don’t have all that much money to spend, you could just get one pot and one pan.

Voucher to hardware store

What is the one thing that most people are going to do once they move into their very first house? You guessed it, it would be to renovate it or to customise it as they see fit. If you want to help them with this task, you could get them a voucher for a hardware store. Getting them a voucher to a hardware store would be more practical than getting a screwdriver or paintbrush because you don’t exactly know what they need or what they are going to be doing first.


Chances are that many of the people who are going to the housewarming party will most likely be bringing something to drink. If you know that the people who have just moved in already have some furniture, a great small gift to bring along would be coasters so that the guests don’t put their glasses on the table and form annoying little rings.

Salt and pepper shakers

If there is one thing that everyone uses daily and will continue to use for the foreseeable future, it’s salt and pepper. If the people have just moved into the house, a great gift that you could get would be salt and pepper shakers. Not only will this gift be appreciated, but it will also offer practicality and will continue to be used for many months to come.

Weighted blanket

Moving into a house, whether it has been bought or rented for the first time, can be an incredibly stressful experience. If you want to remove some of the stress from the people who have just moved in, a great gift is a way to the blanket. Not only will a weighted blanket help to keep the people warm for the first few nights in the house, but it’s also a great way to relieve stress.


Finally, no one can argue with the fact that a little bit of greenery goes a long way. As such, the final gift on this list for someone looking for housewarming gifts would be plants. The great thing about plants is that you won’t be restricted to a certain size. You could get something relatively small that can go on the desk or a table, or you could go big and get something that can be placed by the front door.

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