Home Business Insights & Advice A beginner’s guide to using a solar generator

A beginner’s guide to using a solar generator

by Sponsored Content
8th Dec 18 12:49 pm

Ever since the concept of using solar energy became popular, people have come up with innovative devices that harness the power of the sun to generate electricity. Be it for cooking or producing light, there have been various applications of solar energy–not the least of which is the solar generator.

Generators have been an instrumental equipment in houses or areas that face a lot of fluctuations in electricity levels. Generally, you have seen that these generators work on electricity but with the use of solar energy, you now get a solar generator that does not use electricity to power the different appliances in the house. It operates like any other generator that you have seen so far, but instead of using electricity as its power, it uses solar energy.

Using a solar generator

If you have not seen a solar generator before and think that it will be a huge unit like other generators, then you are wrong. These generators have three parts: the power inverter, solar panels, and deep cycle batteries. They all work together to absorb the solar power, convert that power into electricity, and circulate that electricity in the whole house. Here’s how you can use a solar generator:

  • You can connect as many electrical circuits in the house with the solar generator, but you need to make sure that the generator is big enough and has room for all the circuits. As soon as there is a power outage, the generator will take over the electric supply and you won’t even notice if there is an outage or not.
  • First, you need to keep the solar generator in such a place that gets direct and maximum sunlight throughout the day. Make sure that the solar panels are faced in that particular direction as they would have to convert the solar energy into electricity when it is required.
  • The function of the power inverter is to convert the power of the solar panels to electricity. One thing that you need to know here is that the inverter will convert DC power into AC power that will finally get circulated throughout the house. This also helps to keep the generator under control and prevent overcharging, which can have adverse effects on the unit.
  • One of the best things about using solar generators is that the stored power does not get consumed over time. If the generator is not used after being fully charged with solar energy, the batteries will not lose its capacity even if the generator is not used for an extended period.

Solar powered generators have become a must-have for places that have extreme weather conditions and frequent disruption of electricity. The low maintenance of these generators together with the cost-saving benefits is a boon to the entire family. Imagine the amount of money that you will be able to save when you don’t use a conventional generator because we all know how much electricity it consumes when it is charged.

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