Home Business News Zoos and drive-in cinemas set to reopen

Zoos and drive-in cinemas set to reopen

by LLB Reporter
10th Jun 20 10:06 am

The Prime Minister has announced that from 15 June Zoos, safari parks and drive-in cinemas can now reopen.

On Wednesday Boris Johnson will update the nation with more easing down of the lockdown measures to reopen the country.

A Downing Street official said, “People are continuing to make huge sacrifices to reduce the spread of coronavirus and avoid a second spike, but we know it is tough and where we can safely open up more attractions, and it is supported by the science, we will do so.

“This is by necessity a careful process, but we hope the reopening of safari parks and zoos will help provide families with more options to spend time outdoors while supporting the industry caring for these incredible animals.”

Andrew Hall, spokesman for Biaza – British and Irish Association for Zoos and Aquariums, said: “Biaza is obviously delighted that zoos and safari parks have been given the flexibility to reopen.

“But as a sector, we are not out of the woods. Aquariums are still closed, and zoos and safari parks have taken a real hit. For some zoos, particularly those reliant on tourism, reopening isn’t going to be financially viable for them.

“It’s helpful today but it’s not the full answer to the challenges we face.

“We know that as a sector, zoos, aquariums and safari parks will be struggling, especially with limited entry, so we do still need the support of Government – but we’re very pleased about today’s announcement.”

He added: “Zoos and aquariums in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will still be facing significant challenges and we will be working hard to achieve positive outcomes in these nations.”

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