Home Insights & Advice Why NextGen Nano is part of the next generation of clean tech renewables companies

Why NextGen Nano is part of the next generation of clean tech renewables companies

30th Mar 21 3:50 pm

We’re facing a global energy crisis. The world is running out of natural resources and as demand is rising, fossil fuels are disappearing. Somehow the world must find a way to come up with workable solutions for the climate related energy disaster ahead.

And as the global energy industry itself grapples with profound and unrelenting change, efforts to combat the problems need to ramp up. How we will power the world’s industry well into the future is a concern driven by environmental worries, constant geopolitical changes, technological innovation and a rising population.

Pushing tech barriers to meet energy demand – NextGen Nano

The only way through is for technology firms to constantly push barriers and work together with Governments and every other stakeholder that can feasibly make a difference. Renewables are the future, as is working towards conserving the natural supplies we still have.

At NextGen Nano we believe that decentralisation of the energy sector will have the transformative impact that the world needs. Decentralisation is a key trend that will shift the world to sustainable energy and a sustainable future.

We know from statistics released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) that at least 860 million people in developing countries simply have no access to energy. With the technology that is available, this must change. So, any energy transition strategy that can make a real-world, tangible difference must include the following three parts:

  1. Energy security and ensuring everyone has access to resources.
  2. Economic development.
  3. Environmental sustainability.

What does decentralised energy mean?

In simple terms, shifting the physical location of where energy is generated. At the moment most of the energy we use is generated at a central location and distributed throughout the country using the national grid.

Decentralised energy would mean it is generated physically near to where it has to go for use. These kinds of systems are in use already with wind and solar power, but only in limited ways so far.

Around the world we still mostly rely on energy being generated through the burning of fossil fuels at centralised industrial plants. Electricity then travels through the grid to reach people’s homes and any other user’s location. The generation of our power is at a continuous pace. This means that even if there is a drop in demand the same amount of energy is being produced, which can lead to losing transmission. All of this makes it an inefficient, environmentally polluting system that is often unreliable and can lead to unexpected, sudden power failures.

Decentralising the global energy industry would solve many of these issues and offer myriad benefits.

Putting control back in the hands of the consumer
By decentralising the energy industry, consumers would find that they are back in charge. They would be able to control the source of their energy supply based on their personal needs and criteria. This control has been in the hands of energy suppliers for many years.

There would also be an increase in the availability of energy, improved efficiency and more affordability. For example, advances in solar technology will drive costs down fast. And this is where NextGen Nano comes in.

We’re based in the UK and focus on developing solar photovoltaic technology. The company has made significant breakthroughs in this technology (organic photovoltaic or OPV). This led to PolyPower, our proprietary tech which revolutionises OPV by hugely increasing its efficiency. Our tech implements cutting-edge nanotechnology that provides flexible, efficient, transparent and low-profile OPVs.

Our team’s vision is to push beyond the conventional power application of energy grids. We want to open up brand new markets for this next gen energy provision, including electric vehicles, drones and plans, as well as marine vessels and next-gen yachts.

Energy decentralisation through new tech is attainable
Energy decentralisation is the obvious attainable solution for ensuring energy independence in developing economies. By decreasing the total reliance on resources imported from overseas, energy provision would reach millions of people who currently have little access to reliable, accessible and affordable supplies.

It would allow a revolutionary transfer of control from centralised monolithic energy sources to small businesses and new ventures. Of course, this wouldn’t solve every problem in developing countries, but it would vastly improve local communities’ day to day life.

Every year, the global demand for affordable energy and a secure energy future increases. And with all of the tech advancements currently developing within renewables, there is so much potential for the global industry to advance beyond our reliance on fossil fuels.

Innovative tech solutions like PolyPower means we have a real chance to completely change the way the global population sources and uses energy.


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