Home Business Insights & Advice Why eCommerce websites are such a big target for hackers

Why eCommerce websites are such a big target for hackers

by Sponsored Content
4th Jan 21 3:35 pm

The eCommerce industry has been booming in recent years, and it’s no wonder, especially in these pandemic times. Due to many social distancing measures, online orders were skyrocketing in 2020. However, as the industry is expanding, it’s becoming more and more interesting for hackers.

They have realized that many eCommerce hosting platforms have vulnerabilities that can be exploited. And, also that these eCommerce stores are like treasure troves filled with sensitive user information.

This article will give you more information about the most common eCommerce threats and suggest a couple of potential solutions.

Top 3 eCommerce security threats

These stores have become one of the favorite targets for hackers for multiple reasons, such as stealing their users’ credit card information, addresses, emails, and other sensitive data. Then, they sell this info on the Dark Web to the highest bidder. Here’s how they usually achieve their goals.

1. DDoS and DOS attacks

DDoS stands for distributed denial of service, and it is a type of attack where hackers send out massive amounts of requests to crash a page or a whole website. Servers usually can’t handle so many fraudulent requests simultaneously, which causes the service to crash.

The consequences of this attack are obvious. Primarily, this directly impacts your earnings and revenue. If your store is inaccessible, you won’t be able to make any sales. Secondly, this can also harm your eCommerce store’s reputation.

Users might think that you aren’t being careful with your security, which is why they might stop

2. SQL injections and XSS

Most eCommerce stores exist on different platforms, all of which have certain vulnerabilities. One of the most-commonly attacked platforms is WordPress. Its vulnerabilities mostly lie in outdated plugins that can be accessed through backdoors. Then, hackers employ techniques such as SQL Injections and cross-site-scripting (XSS).

An SQL injection is a blackhat technique that attacks the user’s query submission forms to access the database. Thanks to this technique, hackers can penetrate systems, steal data, and delete any evidence along the way.

Cross-site scripting, on the other hand, is similar to an SQL injection because both are used to infect the victim’s systems with malware. However, in XSS attacks, hackers plant malicious code and use it to track customers’ cookies and computers.

3. e-Skimming

Lastly, we have e-Skimming, a technique that is used to steal payment data from customers. Hackers usually plant malicious code on the eCommerce store’s checkout page, which steals the store’s data and transports it to the hackers.

How to protect your eCommerce store?

While these threats seem very dangerous, and they are, don’t worry. There is still an abundance of ways to protect your eCommerce store from nosey and malicious hackers. Here’s what you should do:

1. Devise a strong Cyber Security strategy

Devising a strong cybersecurity strategy is a must for every single business that is run through the internet. The internet is not as safe as it used to be, which is why you should do everything in your power to protect your customers.

Hire professionals to perform penetration testing and a comprehensive security audit, and have them recommend techniques and software that can improve your cybersecurity infrastructure.

Make sure to use a VPN at all times. Also, if you have remote workers, you can install NordVPN Teams on all work computers because this will protect your information and allow your employees to access corporate data securely.

2. Update your plugins

If you use outdated plugins, you’re at risk of being hacked. Outdated plugins exploits are more common than you might think. According to a recent report, 75% of WordPress vulnerabilities were found in outdated plugins. So, make sure to update all your plugins regularly and promptly.

3. Always store backups

Lastly, always save backups. In case you get infected with ransomware, you can easily solve the issue by running a backup instead of paying crazy sums of money so that hackers can release your files.

In today’s day and age, being diligent about your privacy and the privacy of your customers has become mandatory. With so many exploits and threats lurking around the corner, you never know if you’re the next victim. So, make sure to follow the best cybersecurity practices, and your eCommerce store will be safe and secure.

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